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Showing posts from January, 2021

Happiness is inversely proportional to our requirements

Today's culture is to accumulate things more and more to become happy, people think how much we fulfill our requirements that much we will be happy. The whole world is producing a new-new things everyday on the demand of people. We see our consumption are never ending, that is why there is a big problem in supply and demand equation. People need more and supply is less in proportion to their demands. But in ancient time it was not there people were having very less requirements to live their life, even they were full of resources. Philosophically they were very much aware that our requirements can never be fulfilled instead how much we increase our requirements that much our life will be miserable. For example two people are travelling one is having a simple light weight bag and other one is with full heavy 5-6 bags. Who can enjoy the journey? Very simple the person who has light bag, because that person has no burden on his head how can I carry it with, I have not much valuable in...

Why we are not happy although we try so much?

We all are trying to be happy in this world and thinking if not today then sure tomorrow, but I will be happy. This way a school child think I would be happy if I go to college,  and a college boy think If I get a good job I will be happy, and a working person think if I get better job I must be happy. And this way all of us are keeping hope, one day we will be happy but that day never comes in our life and if it comes then hardly for few days, months or years but not for long life. Actually being happy is our eternal quality and that is why we are seeking for it but we are trying in wrong way we don't know where will I get it? Like if a person asked to search a black cat in dark room, how can he will able to find it? The same way we all are looking for happiness but there is no real happiness in this world but that does not mean it is no where? There is a place where we all can be happy and if we try to know that as in Bhagwad Gita Lord Krishna says, this material world is pervert...

How Krishna Consciousness can solve all problems of our Life?

When I meet people and tell them to read Bhagwad Gita and accept Krishna Consciousnesses that will solve your all the problems and you will be permanently happy. They become surprised, thinking how can Bhagwad Gita accepting Krishna Consciousnesses can solve my problems ? That is not even surprising for me because before entering into Krishna Consciousness people used to tell me to accept and get rid of all the problems, I also react the same way. But by the mercy of Krishna and Srila Prabhupada when I came to Krishna Consciousness and gone through the process I realized this is the only way when we can get eternal happiness what we are looking for. If we follow below process in our daily  life then surely we get advantage of it: 1. Start your day with chanting of holy name- It is said, "Well begun is half done" if we start our day with fresh mood and proper chanting then our whole day goes well. Chanting rounds means connecting to Lord Krishna and once we established connec...

Our destiny and people around us

Often we meet the people who makes our life happy and some makes our life miserable even we have no idea how these people came in our life? So, here our past Karma comes into the picture, these people are no one but our old connection from them we have some pending things to be done from their sides and from our sides. They comes in our life to make our life miserable or happy according to our past Karma. There was a person he saw one puppy was crying on road, he showed his compassion towards that puppy and picked to home. He took care of puppy with proper attention and foods, puppy became very healthy and strong within few days. He play with puppy when he get time and enjoy his company . One day while puppy was sleeping suddenly he kept his leg on puppy and puppy got angry and bite him. He got so much pain and started thinking why this happens? I brought him, cared him, nourished him and he only gave me pain. Sometimes we met people whom we don't know they brings a lot of happines...

Why Karna was defeated by Pandvas?

Mahabharta was known to be historical war and their heroes of it, Karna was one of the powerful and energetic personality. Most of the people asked question about, if he was so powerful then why he defeated by Pandvas? So in the Mahabharta it is mentioned that when Duryodhana was insulted by Draupadi, he was always looking for his revenge from Draupdi.  Duryodhyana got opportunity when Pandvas lost from Kaurvas from Gambling, he made plan to take revenge from Draupadi to insult her in front of everyone.  But it is mentioned that he never made a plan to make Draupadi dress less in front of everyone, it was the idea of Karna. Karna asked Duryodhyan to accept such type of sinful activity. It is said that if you have people around you and always listen to them, you can not ignore them when they misguide you. This was the main reason why Karna lost his power and lost from Pandvas.  As per our Vedic scriptures, if we disrespect women, cow, Brahmans and child and old age people ...

Don't be the part of work, buy, consume and die society

Aaccording to our Vedic scriptures if we eat, sleep, met and defend our-self then there is no difference between human and animals, because they also do the same thing. One may ask our eating is standards, sleeping on a very comfortable bed, mating with good partner, defending  our-self through latest technologies. How can we compared by animals? But if one think from cool head get a result of both human and animals get the same pleasure by their senses with sense objects. Once Indra by cursed and got body of pig, enjoying in dirty mud with his family when Lord Brahma asked to come back to his actual home heaven, Indra rejected his proposal and told Brahma, I am very much happy here I don't want to come anywhere so please don't disturb me.  Here we can see a king of heaven enjoying in form of a pig forgot his actual position because he was getting the same pleasure in the body of pig. Now we are living a life of, Work,  Buy, Consume, and Die culture.  More than 90 pe...

Wish you all a very happy & prosperous Makar Sankranti!!!

Makar Sankranti is a festival very much popular in northern India as well as different places with different-diffrent names. It is mentioned in our Vedic Scriptures, who give charity on this day take more benefits than other day. Most of the times, people ask which types of charity and to whom we should donate? As per Bhagwad Gita charity should be given without any expectation and to the proper person (Supatra). We can do charity in below forms: 1. Feeding the Cows 2. Serving People who stay at holy places 3. Ganga Seva 4. Donating Scriptures 5. Anna dhana Charity given out of duty, without expectation of return, at the proper time and place, and to a worthy person, is in the mode of goodness. (Bhagavad Gita 17:20) The place where any charity is given, the time when it is given and the type of recipient of the charity are very important factors. The auspicious occasion of Makara Sankranti, the holy place of Ganga Sagar, and its pious pilgrims present before us an ideal combination, wh...

Take your decision after opinions

In this world we are the whole and sole when it comes to take our decision. We think no one has better intelligence than me, to take the right decision. But most the times we regret after taking decision without opinion from others. What we think is better for me is not always be better, but we only see the current situation and take decision on it. In Srimad Bhagwatam Canto 1.18.12 it is mentioned when King Parikshit was about to fast until death on the bank of the Ganges when he got cursed from Sage Shringi. Although the King had already decided to fast until death on the bank of the Ganges, he humbly expressed his decision to elicit the opinions of the great authorities present there.  Any important decision, however firmly fixed, should be confirmed by some authority. That makes the matter perfect.  Here we see King Parikshit was not an ordinary King but he was the ruler of whole world, but he also took opinion from great sages before taking the concrete decision. So, in o...

How can we create Atma Nirbhar Bharat?

Our Honorable Prime Minister has started a campaign about be self-dependent in pandemic situation. That is an indication to us from all over the world, how much we dependent on things which is artificial can go away from anytime. Being an Indian in ancient time we were very much independent for our day-to day life, we were not dependent on oil, foreign brands, electricity but were our own Land, Cow and Agriculture. We never used to work so much for living hoods, we used to work only for 4-6 hours a day, 4-5 days in a week, 5-6 months in a year that was enough for whole year for entire family. We were disease free life, stress free life, and a very happy and God full life. But due to our more ambitious things we became more advanced started copying others without even knowing, what I am doing now is already perfect. Result is now, we sold the land, shut farming, thrown out cows and bulls for slaughter house, working hard for 7 days, day and night, whole year only for two times of bread....

How can we feel gratitude everyday?

There was one student who was going for his exam, he woke up in the morning, his mother cooked food for him, his father guided him how to write exam and he caught bus to reach at exam center. He reached in his exam room with the help of local authority and written his exam. The day came when his exam result got declared, he got first in his class. He felt very happy his teacher asked him tell me about your success, how did you achieve this? Boy stood up and started telling, my success story starts from God, I thanks to GOD for giving me such a nice gift, later I thanks to my mother who cooked for me with love and emotions, so I could concentrate in my exam, then I thanks to my father who guided me well to not to fearful in exam, and I thanks to Bus driver who helped me to reach on time for exam, later I thanks to the person who helped me to reach in exam hall, so I could feel myself relaxed. Finally I thanks to everyone including you, who helped me a lot for this great success. This is...

How to turn problems into opportunities?

When problem comes in our life we get bewildered and think everything is going to end in my life but if we keep patience and faith on God then we can turn our problems into a good opportunities. As mentioned in Bhagwad Gita this world is the place where you get miseries most of the times because it is designed in such a way, where there will be some happiness but more miseries. मामुपेत्य पुनर्जन्म दु:खालयमशाश्वतम् । नाप्‍नुवन्ति महात्मान: संसिद्धिं परमां गता: ॥ 8.15 ॥ After attaining Me, the great souls, who are yogīs in devotion, never return to this temporary world, which is full of miseries, because they have attained the highest perfection. No one in this world can say, I am very much happy and I don't have any problem in my life. But here the question is how can then we keep ourselves happy? So in Bhagwad Gita it is said, in any circumstances who keeps himself happy is a wise person. In our life most of the times we go through problems,  but if we apply our intelligence and ta...

Science and Vedic Philosophy

Our modern education system teaches us there is no existence of God and we are here for just one time and our only motto is to how much we can gratify our senses. According to science there is no God and we are just a creation of atoms and molecules and we are the controller of everything. There is no life after death, there is no Law of Karma applies on us, there is no heaven and hell, and we have come from amoeba. It's pure Big-bang theory, where collision happens and creation starts. First of all if we assume that there is no God exist, and we are the only controller. Here few questions should comes in our mind, if we are the controller then why we suffer so much? we must plan as per our comfort? Why people do not have control over their death? Why some people are rich and some are very poor? Why there are miseries in this world, whole world is suffering from a small virus, no one can stop it, why? If body is just a combination of atoms and molecules then why not we can create h...

Don't work for appreciation, work for satisfaction

Most of the times we work to get appreciation from our boss, elders or from society. If we talk more than 90% of employee, leaders and social activist work to get appreciation from the people. If they don't get proper appreciation from the people whom they work, they stop working. According to Bhagwad Gita this world is full of duality, sometimes you get appreciation and sometimes you get bad words from the same people, it's only matter of time. In RAMAYANA we see when when Lord Rama was leaving to the exile from AYODHYA, Laxmana younger brother of Lord Rama became ready to go along with Lord Rama although he was not even ordered to go. He does selfless service to Lord Rama for fourteen years without even sleep and when Ravana kidnapped mother Sita, Lord Rama shows his anger towards Laxmana and before that mother Sita also showed the same. Although he could asked to Lord Rama, I am serving you selflessly, I left palace and comfort and come along with you in this dense forest an...

More than anything in your life humility is very much important

There was one person who earned lot of money and position in his life.  After having so much money, power and position in his life he got puffed up with false ego. He started disrespecting to old people, children and poor people. One day he declared I have lot of money but due these people I can not live my life peacefully. I want these people to move somewhere else so I can enjoy my life without any interruption. By his order all old people, children and poor people immediately left that place to another. One day while he was travelling through that place he suddenly he felt thirsty and he got down from his horse and started searching for water near by. He saw there is a cottage, he entered into it and asked for water and that old man gave him water. After drinking the water, when he saw that old man he got surprised, he was none other than his own citizen. He felt very much sorry, he asked that person, I insulted you people and thrown out from your place, then also you gave me wa...

What to do with this restless Mind?

We sleep or we are in awaking state does not matter, our restless mind keep moving here and there and never sit idle. In Bhagwad Gita, Lord Krishna says to Arjuna, "Mind is our best friend and worst enemy. So now the question is how can it be our Good friend? and how can we train it to work in right direction? In Bhagwad Gita 6.34, Arjuna explain about the nature of our Mind; चञ्चलं हि मन: कृष्ण प्रमाथि बलवद्दृढम् । तस्याहं निग्रहं मन्ये वायोरिव सुदुष्करम् ॥ 6.34 ॥ The mind is restless, turbulent, obstinate and very strong, O Kṛiṣhṇa, and to subdue it, I think, is more difficult than controlling the wind. and in reply Lord Krishna says to Ajruna, how can we control to out mind in next verse. श्रीभगवानुवाच असंशयं महाबाहो मनो दुर्निग्रहं चलम् । अभ्यासेन तु कौन्तेय वैराग्येण च गृह्यते ॥ 6.35 ॥ Lord Sri Krishna said: O mighty-armed son of Kuntī, it is undoubtedly very difficult to curb the restless mind, but it is possible by suitable practice and by detachment. There is a saying, Pra...

Money or right education, what is more important for your child?

In our Vedic times it is known to be a child will be under protection of his father till death and after he will take his responsibility and carry on, this way it was understood that child is in proper discipline and following the culture. So father was not even worried about whatever he left for his child and even that times it was assumed to not to accumulate too much. But now, we see a father think I should save so much money for my child so he will enjoy his whole life and he does so much hard work for it. He brings costly gift for him, costly clothes and many more things so that child can never think of I am in lack of something. If you don't give your child a costly gift, he will cry only once but if you fail to give him proper culture and education he will cry for his whole life. Now it's up to us what is more suitable to make our child future to give them costly gift or right education, so they can differentiate what is right and what is wrong? There was one person who ...

Can more money bring more happiness?

Most of the times we see people talk about only money,  money is something that is very dear to everyone. Off course there is no doubt without money we can not even survive in this material world. But that is also a fact one who think of only money 24x7 can not be happy. Money is like salt in food, if it is perfect in quantity then it taste well otherwise it destroy the taste. Lack of understanding of spiritual life, God has been replaced by money. Student only study they think one day they get the good job and they will be happy,  employee works hard thinking they will be promoted and get good salary, businessman live his hectic life thinking one day I will good amount of money I can relax my whole life. But fact and figures says, around the world the person who has more money having more miserable life. So, what does it mean? Should we stop studying, stop working and stop earning money? NO! We have to do each and everything what we do now but we have to understand  how ...

How can I get rid of from bad habit?

There is nothing surprising in it if someone has some bad habit, everyone has some bad habit, there is saying, "habit is our second nature." If one keep following their habits continuously then it become nature after sometime, some has electronics gadgets addiction, some has bad association, some has intoxication habits and there are many more types of it. Here are we are going to discuss about how can we change our habit from bad to good and good to better and better to best. As many of the times we have mentioned Bhagwad Gita has each and every solution of our daily problems. So how can we change our habit is also mentioned in Bhagwad Gita 2.59 as Lord Krishna says, विषया विनिवर्तन्ते निराहारस्य देहिनः । रसवर्जं रसोऽप्यस्य परं दृष्ट्वा निवर्तते ॥ 2.59 ॥ Though the embodied soul may be restricted from sense enjoyment, the taste for sense objects remains. But, ceasing such engagements by experiencing a higher taste, he is fixed in consciousness. In this verse Lord Krishna exp...

Why Draupadi married with 5 husbands?

People keep doubt in our scriptures who do not go through it, to clear our doubt we have to read our scriptures nicely then we will come to know the exact cause of everything. Here few people ask if Draupadi can marry to five husbands, why not a normal woman can do? But if we go to our scripture in deep we see Draupadi was not an ordinary woman. There was big misunderstanding between King Drupad and Dronacharya and Drupad wanted to take revenge from Dronacharya and for that he performed a great sacrifice. By his first offering Dhristhyadumnya was born and by the second offering Draupadi was born. There was big swamvar where Draupadi can chose her husband with condition who can pierce eye of the fish looking under the reflection in water pot which is moving continuously. Kings from all across the world present over there but none of them were able to do it, so finally Pandvas who were in dress of Brahmins due to fear from Duryodhana, Arjuna did it. When Pandvas came back to the...

Winners of Online Bhagavad Gita Contest 2020

Announcing the winners of the online Bhagavad Gita Contest 2020 organized on the occasion of Gita Jayanti on December 25, 2020. A total of 37 participants from various states of the country participated in the online Bhagwad Gita competition in which Ayush Pandey from Kanpur (Uttar Pradesh) stood first,  Bhavya Pathak from Mumbai  (Maharashtra) stood second and Aakash Mishra stood third from Lakhimpur (Uttar Pradesh) were selected as winners. Ayush Pandey (STUDENT) Bhavya Pathak (STUDENT) Akarsh Mishra (STUDENT) All the participants received their prizes from Organizer of Contest Mr. Arvind Trivedi and Mr. Harioma Sharan Mishra and congratulated participants for their efforts and requested them to visit   for such kind of contest.