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Showing posts from July, 2020

Satisfaction comes from Perfection

Until and unless we are not satisfied what we do then we always think something is missing in our life. And Satisfactions comes from perfection towards our activities what we do in our daily life. If we are trying to do our best what we can, then definitely we are trying to reach at perfection level. As Lord Krishna has already stated in Bhagwad Gita, "Do your best and leave the rest on Me".  So here comes our best, what we can do in our day to day life? It's not like we should compare our-self from anyone but only matter is what we can do our best to do things better. We must keep competition in our mind but it should be healthy and self. We should never try to compete with others, by doing this we only get jealousy, envy and greed. But if we try to compete with our-self then we do our introspection.  In my childhood there was one story of barber who was giving his hundred percent to his customer, does not matter whether customer is clean or dirty. He was only concern of...

We must remember our actual position

Most of the times we forgot our actual position and puffed up by material things which is temporary and gifted by Krishna to us. But in the mode of passion and ignorance we think, we are the achievers of everything and whatever I have it will help me in future for my sense gratifications. But in Srimad Bhagwadam Canto 1.15.21, Arjuna explained his position to King Yudhisthira. It's very interesting and eye opening conversation between Arjuna and King Yudhisthira. Arjuna accept I am nothing but zero without Krishna, if we have so many zeroes but no figure before zero then it has no value. If we have everything but we don't have Krishna in our life then we have nothing. Srila Prabhupada has given in commentary of this verse, one should not be puffed up by borrowed plumes. All energies and powers are derived from the supreme source, Lord Kṛṣṇa, and they act as long as He desires and cease to function as soon as He withdraws.  All electrical energies are received from the powerhous...

Change begin from self

Generally people blame society, nation and family for their problems and issues what they are facing and by seeing this they feel unsatisfied.  It was even happening with me when I was not get realization from Bhagwad Gita. I always used to think why not everything is happening as per my own wish? But this world is not under our control, even sometimes a small kid disobey you so what to speak of elders? That is the main reason for our sorrow,if we think we can change the world, we are the top in the list of foolishness. You are not the special and no one is under your control, this misconception only gives us the pain. Once we start reading scriptures and get realization of it then actually we know who we are? If you want to bring changes in family,society and nation then you have to change from within not from outside. And changes from within comes from daily reading of Vedic scriptures, association and following the instructions of seniors. Once you start changing yourself, you s...

How can we identify a real Guru?

Being a Guru is not a ordinary job but a very high level qualification in the world. Without acceptance of Guru an human form of life is just like an animal who acts freely whatever wish. But after acceptance of Guru, human must regulate their life style the way Guru wants. But Most of the times people just make their Guru for a fashion and just to show off we also have so called Guru. A Guru should have some basic qualifications and by his behavior he should direct their disciples. Here are few qualities as per Srila Rupa Goswami (one of sixth Goswami from Vrinadavan),  we must see in any Guru before we accept them as a Guru. Control on Speech: A Guru must control on his speech, or whatever he speak that should be based on scriptures not just his own philosophy. Control on Mind:   As Lord Krishna has already stated in Bhagwad Gita about mind (its best friend and worst enemy). A person who is failed to control his agitated mind is unable to be a Guru. Control on Anger: A per...

Clarification comes from proper hearing

Whatever fields you are in, hearing is the process which comes first and without proper hearing we can not make our-self expert in any field. In Srimad Bhagwatam it is said, if you hear from right source definitely you will be the good achievers. King Parikshit hears from Shukhdev Goswami and inquire truth from him, and King Parikshit is known to be the best listener. Listening is the biggest quality and it comes from our daily practice it is not so simple. We know most of the people just hear but don't listen carefully. We must listen carefully and keep focus on what others says, but most of the times we just hear and our mind keeps wandering here and there. While in class room most of the students shakes there legs and other parts of the body and this way there concentration break and can not focus on what teacher is teaching. The biggest problem now a days is our electronic gadgets, while talking to others we keep ourselves busy in mobile phone. This is one of the bad habit also...

Is your dog making you mad?

In our heart there are two dogs resides in it.  One good and one bad. And both fight with each others. Bad dog indicates our bad habits i.e. Lust, Anger, Greed, Attachment, envy. Good dog indicates our good quality i.e. Forgiveness, Compassion, Self-Control, Charity, humility and intelligence. By our good activities good dog become strong and by our bad activities bad dog become strong.  And strong dog always defeat weak dog reason good dog always keep silent and stay in fear from bad dog.  Our intelligence is to keep bad dog hungry and supply food to good dog, this way bad dog will be weak and good dog will be strong. We should always train our mind through intelligence that we never forgot to care of our good dog, once bad dog become strong it will never give chance to good dog. Through our good association, good habits, reading of Vedic scriptures we can make our good dog strong. Don't worry it's not the problem of only yours but all of us are suffering from it but kee...

In a rapidly changing era, it is prudent to follow traditional customs

In modern age youths are getting confused about our traditions, I went to visit Lord Shiva temple. There I saw most of the people were talking about Lord Shiva was intoxicated by smoking Gaanja and that is His prasad for us and we should also get it by chanting "Har Har Mahadev". In the name of Lord Shiva most of the youths getting addicted to drugs, Gaanja, Bhang and other intoxicated things and playing the nonsense songs. We should tell them, Lord Shiva is a pure devotee of Lord Krishna and he always keep himself busy by chanting His holy names where he get time to do such kind of activities?   I heard some devotee brought Cold drink to offer Lord Shiva, this is the height of our intelligence. Yes I agree we are very modern and free to do whatever we want but in the name of freedom we should always maintains the limit. Many photos showing Lord Shiva smoking Ganja, which scriptures it is mentioned?  Even if He has done such kind of things then we must know He is God but we a...

Most complicated thing is to be simple

In current age people are living a very complicated and tough life to maintain their living hood and for that they are doing so much hard work. But living a complicated life makes us frustrate, envious and finally bringing down to us in depression. In Srimad Bhagwatam Canto ten it is mentioned, the whole Vrindavanvasis they were living a very simple and happy life just because they were fully dependent on Cows, Lands and Agriculture.  When Lord Krishna appeared at Nandbaba home, Nandababa kept celebration and whole Virndavanvasi took place in it. They were throwing butter on each others body. So, here we can see the prosperity of citizens of Vrindavan. Whatever we earn but keep remember one thing, we are not going to utilize everything in our life, most of the assets we just left and most goes in our health issues,  and we always in worry to protect that assets from thieves and government. Be simple, live a simple life, be relax, live a God-full civilization life. Why to keep ...

Art of smart Parenting

Today majority of the parents are worried about their Child and their behavior towards them but we must know the root cause of it. We can not directly blame to children because what they are now is result of our own actions and behavior. In childhood its tendency of every child to copy what their parent does and result they start creating pattern in their minds. So teachings are not much important but our behavior and activities are, as Lord Krishna has stated in B.G.3.21. यद्यदाचरति श्रेष्ठस्तत्तदेवेतरो जनः । स यत्प्रमाणं कुरुते लोकस्तदनुवर्तते ॥ 3.21॥ Whatever action a great man performs, common men follow. And whatever standards he sets by exemplary acts, all the world pursues. So, here we can see your action is more important that teachings. Now if you follow below points and try to apply in your life then definitely our child will be what we want it to be. Encourage Innovative Thinking: Always try to encourage your child for his innovative ideas, Whatever he thinks lets give libe...

Three things to overcome from sufferings

In this material world sometimes we go though happiness and sometimes a lot of pains and suffering. But when we go through suffering we see everything just goes opposite of our expected situations and unexpected things are happening. Whoever we are, does not matter but this situation comes in everyone's life and we lose our faith on our relative and friends, start feeling lonely even we don't keep trust on God. We goes into depression thinking everything is finished now but in this situation we must keep faith on Krishna and not to lose our hope. In this situation if we keep three points in our mind, then definitely we are going to bounce back again and overcome from the situation. Law of Karma: We must understand nothing happens  by chance, what we sow shall we reap. So what situations we are facing now must have been created by us in our past lives. So assuming that is our past karma we must go on. Await for mercy of Krishna: Instead of keeping our self busy and thinning of ...

Don't be the part of Rat Race!

Our Vedic culture keeps us in boundary, we need sense gratification but there must be some boundary for it else we will be like animal in the form of human being. And if we don't keep control on our sense gratification then we will be demon like Ravana, Kamsa and Hirnyakashyapu and we know what happens to end of these demons. Once we start crossing boundaries then there is no limit of it, at we extent we can reach. We start from our own, then from our family, society and then against nation and we don't care about respect, honor and discipline.  Media is completely making mad to the youths, vulgarity, disrespect, in-disciple and completely against our Vedic culture.  Today's youth think we are completely free from everything, and no one should stop our sense gratification. But they don't know the result of this hellish activities. Srila Prabhupada used to tell, "Don't be the part of rat race, be enough smart and apply your own senses and chose your path wisely....

Do your best and leave the rest on Krishna

Often we see some situations goes completely against us and that time our mind stop thinking and we become completely blank. This situations comes in every individual life and no can escape from it but and even most of the people can not tolerate it result they take some wrong steps in their life. Here I am going to share you true story of my colleague who just gone through tough situation and I explained him, the concept behind "Do your best and leave the rest." because we are not the master and not each and everything under our control. But what we can do our best, we must and even if something goes wrong let it be, don't put extra effort on it and even don't think too much of it. He told me about his situation, he was completely lost due to his laptop suddenly stopped working and he was supposed to finish his important task on that day. He tried his best but no luck, finally he thought if I could not finish my task today, I have to lose my job because already I hav...

Krishna gives us full Assurance

When we think now there is no hope of anything and now everything is finished in my life. Then that time we must try to take shelter of Lotus feet of Krishna and Krishna is definitely going to show us the way and give us full assurance to protect us from the dangers of this material world. We can not protect ourselves from the danger of this material world whatever plan we made, one problem we solve another will be ready, so in this scenario we must think if we want full protection we must remember Krishna. Here I am going to share you incident of Gajendra. There was once an elephant named Gajendra who used to live in a forest Rtumata which was created by Varuna. This garden was situated in the beautiful mountains of Trikuta in ancient India. Gajendra ruled over all the other elephants in the herd. On a hot day, he proceeded with his herd to a lake to cool off in its fresh waters. Suddenly a crocodile living in the lake attacked Gajendra and caught him by the leg. Gajendra tried for a ...

Learning lesson from a Bird

What can we expect from a bird? She builds a nest for her children, bring foods and care for them and at the right time she teaches how to fly and her job is finished. That is the Dharma for her. Now a day’s parents are doing the same things with their child also. They beget child, care for them and educate them and finally teach them how to fly i.e. how to earn money and they think their job is finished. But do we think this is only our Dharma towards our children? This much even a bird also does for its children whom we consider an insignificant in compare to human being. Then what is the difference between us and a small bird? A human form of life is for higher principle and goal not just for eating, sleeping, mating and defending.   And this is the duty of every parent not to teach their children only to just earn money but morality also. Without morality and spirituality human form of life is nothing but a animal form of life. In Srimad Bhagwatam Canto 5.5.18 it is said if you...

How to become a Master Problem Solver?

In this world most of the people are afraid of problems in their life but until problems does not comes in our life we can not check our strength, how much we are capable to do in our life. Here we are going to discuss on few points from which we can be the master problem solver: Be Relax and Identify the problem: Often we just get bewildered when problem comes in our lives but we should be calm down and identify the problem, what is the size of the problem? Once we identified the problem, half of the problem we have already solved. Find the root cause of the problem: Once you identified the problem your next job is to find the root cause of the problem. Without finding the root cause you can never resolve your problem permanently. For finding the root cause you have to see your problems from all aspects. What is the best solutions for it: Now when we found the root cause of the problem, next is to get the probabilities of solutions and get the best out of it. There can be multi...

How to get Good Marks without even Private Classes?

In the present day scenario, Tuition and Private Classes become needs of every student whether their parents can afford or not is no concern about it. Most of the student took education loan for it and they pay it for long duration and keep that burden on their head and result they cannot focus on their career. As per my research and study I found many of the topper students never go for private tuition/classes.  And when I asked them why? Their answers were very simple, so here I am going to share you few points from that discussion from which student can achieve good marks without even wasting time and money for going tuition and classes. No tuition can help you in achieving top positions:   Most of the students believe tuition cannot help you to reach at top positions rather than it gives you more burdens.  We already have our school homework along with how will we manage to go to tuition. Its only gives more headaches to us otherwise we can keep focus on our study wit...

Importance of Guru in our life

First of all I would like to wish you all a very happy Guru Purnima. Guru Means who bring us from darkness to light and give us the true knowledge. In our Vedic Culture there was concept of Gurukula and every disciples used to stay and serve his spiritual master but due to modernization everything has been changed and now there is no concept of Guru and Disciples.  Guru gives us transcendental knowledge the knowledge which we can not achieved by our own. Now a days people are trying to be more intelligent but they don't want to server their spiritual master therefore  they are only getting information but no knowledge. So we must understand the importance of Guru in our life. In Bhagwad Gita Lord Krishna has already explained the process of how one should go and surrender to his Guru and get benefit of true knowledge. And one should never accept Guru just for fashion but to accept and follow his instructions to get rid of Birth and Death cycle.  à¤¤à¤¦्विद्धि प्रणिपातेन परिप्...

Seven Habits for a highly effective Personality

Most of the people trying to build their personality based on copying others like actors, cricketors or any famous personality. But that is not going to work for long because original is original and copy can not be original. Every individual has their own personality and they don't need to copy others else they lose what they have their own. Personality is not just to impress others but to express yourself better and build from inside. Here are few points we are sharing, if you follow definitely you will be truly what you want to be. 1) Rises early: In the current age of Kali most of the people have changed their habits of rising early (in Brahma Muhurta) to waking up too late and thinking it they are very modern. But according to our Shashtra waking up in Brahma Muhurta makes us healthy, mentally strong and keeps us in mode of goodness. 2) Meditation: In our day to day life we only think of our body and it's necessities but we forgot one very important part i. e. Our Soul. Wi...

TIT for TAT OR Tolerate That

Many of the times we go through situations where we get confused what to do now? According to our Vedic Scriptures we should keep three things in our mind and accordingly react or respond on situations. If you can change it: Situations comes in your life or brought by some people and you know if it is completely against our religious principle, then you must stand against it and try to change the situations. When Hauman Ji reached in Lanka and Lankini the guard of Lanka tried to stop Him and because it was against the religious principle as his own master kidnapped others wife, Hanuman Ji punched on her mouth by His left hand and move on. Same way if you have power and know things are going against Dharma, you should change the situations else you have to suffer sinful reactions of it. If you can not change it: Sometimes situations are completely against us and we are not even able to change it then that time we must accept the situation and try to tolerate it.  You don't believe...