Whatever fields you are in, hearing is the process which comes first and without proper hearing we can not make our-self expert in any field.
In Srimad Bhagwatam it is said, if you hear from right source definitely you will be the good achievers.
King Parikshit hears from Shukhdev Goswami and inquire truth from him, and King Parikshit is known to be the best listener.
Listening is the biggest quality and it comes from our daily practice it is not so simple. We know most of the people just hear but don't listen carefully.
We must listen carefully and keep focus on what others says, but most of the times we just hear and our mind keeps wandering here and there.
While in class room most of the students shakes there legs and other parts of the body and this way there concentration break and can not focus on what teacher is teaching.
The biggest problem now a days is our electronic gadgets, while talking to others we keep ourselves busy in mobile phone.
This is one of the bad habit also, if people are talking to you and you are busy in your mobile then that person can understand how much value you are giving to others.
So, if you want to be perfect in your life then you have to develop the hearing quality and this way not only you be choice of others but also achieve a good personality.
First listen to others completely and then think of it what to respond, do't react immediately. Reacting means you are just saying something without even thinking of it but responding means you are thinking first and speaking later.
Most of the people spent whole life but it's very difficult for them to understand, how to hear? and what to speak?
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