Today I am going to share few qualities of Laxmana which most of the people are not aware of it. And If we try to implement few of it in our life definitely our relations are going to be perfect and we will be happy for sure. When Lord Rama with Mother Sita and Laxmana were living in forest after their exile from Ayodhya, Laxmana promised to serve Lord Rama and Mother Sita and left Ayodhaya and His luxury. After some time when Sooparnkha came and proposed Lord Rama and Lord Rama refused saying I have taken vow to keep only one wife better you go to Laxmana and Laxmana also refused by giving his excuse that I am servant of My Brother so you will not get anything from me better you go and marry with Him only. And this way Sooparnkha understood, these brothers are making fun of me and she run towards mother Sita and Laxmana cuts her nose and she went to Ravana and told about mother Sita and asked him to Kidnap Mother Sita and make his wife. Ravana made plan to kidnap mother...
This blog is to help students to learn morality in thier life from the examples of our Vedic scriptures. This blog is dedicated in the service of saviour of the whole world from the illusion, His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanata Swami Srila Prabhupada. If one student take this seriously and try to apply in his life surely he can attain the great success in his life through Vedic wisdom.