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Showing posts from January, 2020

Learning Lessons from Laxmana

Today I am going to share few qualities of Laxmana which most of the people are not aware of it. And If we try to implement few of it in our life definitely our relations are going to be perfect and we will be happy for sure. When Lord Rama with Mother Sita and Laxmana were living in forest after their exile from Ayodhya, Laxmana promised to serve Lord Rama and Mother Sita and left Ayodhaya and His luxury. After some time when Sooparnkha came and proposed Lord Rama and Lord Rama refused saying I have taken vow to keep only one wife better you go to Laxmana and Laxmana also refused by giving his excuse that I am servant of My Brother so you will not get anything from me better you go and marry with Him only. And this way Sooparnkha understood, these brothers are making fun of me and she run towards mother Sita and Laxmana cuts her nose and she went to Ravana and told about mother Sita and asked him to Kidnap Mother Sita and make his wife. Ravana made plan to kidnap mother...

Three modes of material nature

In this world we are bound to be work under three modes of material nature. We are not free to work as per our wish, but it looks sometimes we are the doer of everything. So today we are going to discuss about three modes of material nature and which modes we are in that also we will try focus on it. The three modes of material nature are: 1. Mode of Goodness (Satva) 2. Mode of Passion (Rajas) 2. Mode of Ignorance (Tamas) So why we are discussing about it because these three modes control the activities of the pure living entity in this world based on their desires and permitted by their karma. It is very important to understand these three modes of nature and how they act upon a living entity; In the Bhagavad-Gita for our understanding Lord Krishna has already explained in chapter 14. The person who keep himself in the mode of Goodness always be happy and makes others happy also. There are few qualities about Goodness: 1. Active 2. Punctual 3. Discipli...

There is always Consequences to your Actions

In current age most of the people want to do whatever they want, and they say, "I don't believe in Law of Karma". But by believing or not believing law of nature cannot be changed, It will work according to its own nature. There is a bird Ostrich if it's see hunter, it runs and keep her mouth inside the sand and think I cannot see hunter and now I am secure but hunter catch that bird from behind. So, keeping our eyes closed we cannot escape from law of Karma and that is called ignorance and ignorance is the root cause of our suffering. There are many questions people used to ask, why bad things happen with good people? what was that a small child karma he died immediately after birth. So, we are going to share you something about Karma. If we act in good, or pious ways, we reap good reactions. If we act in impious, sinful, or destructive ways, we reap bad reactions in the future. Christian theology explains, “As ye sow so ye shall ye reap” while in phys...

How to discover purpose of our life?

We all are centered on something; some people keep money in center and if money goes up, they make themselves happy and if it goes down make them miserable. Some keep relationship in center and the same thing happen if it goes deeper, they become happy and if it breaks then they become miserable. In today’s world everyone is moving so fast that they don't know where exactly they are going? If someone ask them the Goal of their life, they don't know what they want in their life? So basically, today we are going to discuss about "Purpose of our life" and how to discover it? Either you are man/woman, student/employee, Indian/Foreigner, Rich/Poor but one thing we all are seeking for is Happiness. And finally, we want it eternal. One day I met one boy while distributing Bhagwat Gita and I asked him, what you do? He told me; I am doing job at Call Center. I asked him what is the aim of your life? He replied me, to make money and fulfill our requirements. ...

Bharat - A Golden Bird

In Chaitanya Charitamrita Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu has already glorified about our Bharat Bhoomi , "Anyone who has taken birth as human being in the land of Bhāratavarṣa," janma sārthaka kari, "making his life successful," kara para-upakara. Para-upakara.   Do welfare to others.” Bharata-Bhoomite haila manuṣya-janma yaara Janma Saarthaka karee kara para-upakaar. We are so fortunate that we have taken our birth on land of Bharat, we must have done so many pious activities in our past lives to get birth on this land which has full of cultures, spirituality and unity. Although we have different-different languages, traditions and religions but we have one thing common in all and that is humanity. Bharat Bhoomi is known as Golden Bird and the reason it has everything which we needed for our necessities. And this land was known for Agriculture, Cows protection and mainly it make us independent. We were fulfilling our requirements by accepting farm ...

How Youth should take our Vedic Scriptures

Young generations are going away from Vedic culture and scriptures and they feel shy if they asked to read scriptures and follow Vedic culture. If I ask students to read Bhagwad Gita they tell, why I should read it, I have many other books to read and If I get free time I will read. They don't know the value of it and that is why modern education giving information but there is no proper knowledge. Srila Prabhupada has mentioned in his books, Modern education became a slaughterhouse and they are killing children by not giving proper education. When Lord Macaulay came to our country and saw our education the way Gurukul system was there and it was free of cost, donated by King and taught by Great Brahmin Scholar, he got bewildered and this way Macaulay thought, they are very much strong from the base because they have been taught Indian Vedic scriptures and He thought this way he cannot destroy our Indian culture and he started modern convent school system and removed Ved...

Art of Leaving

Many of us are very much interested in "Art of Living" but none of us want to know the "Art of Leaving". Yes, off course art of living is also important but more important is how to leave from this world. It's very painful situation for all of us, if we are not concern about how to leave from this material world peacefully. Art of living can be manageable at any situation, by hook or by crook we have to live our life and it will be passed also we will never realize as a child turn to age of 5 and it turn to age of 10 and time come when he get married and he has his own child and suddenly he realize he turn to 60. So, this way can understand any way our time is going by moments to minutes, minutes to hours, hours today, day to week and week to month and then year. But the most difficult situation is to leave from this world, it is not very easy for us to leave this world immediately. There are so many attachments, relations stop us to leave from he...

Power of Forgiveness

In this material world many of us has been taught to take revenge out of rage to the person who we do not like for some reason and consider them as an enemy. By keeping the fire of revenge in our heart all time we are burning slowely-slowely. If a person make himself angry, he carried a hot coal in his hand, so we can understand, if we are trying to harm someone, before that we harm our self only. It's anger, false ego and envy who never allow us to forgive to another person instead it keeps telling us to be envious with that person always. I am going to share you a very nice story about power of forgiveness from Srimad Bhagwatam. This is the story about a great king and devotee Maharaj Ambrish and great Sage Durvasha Muni. Maharaj Ambrish was a very pious king and always followed religious principles in his life and keep himself busy in devotional activities. He always keeps his senses busy in devotional activities, he used his tongue to taste only prasadam of God, ...

Grab it before you Lose it

I still remember when I was in school and there was one sentence in English Grammar , "Opportunity knocks at the door but once". And we can see in our life, how much it is true. Once we lose opportunity it will never come back to you. Everyone get the same opportunity in their life but some grab and some lose, the reason we are not so serious about it and think will do it later. In student’s life most of young students do many things parallel keeping study a side and think they will do it later. They want to enjoy life with their passion and glamour way. They think they can study later but want to enjoy now. In this way their focus gets diverted and cannot keep concentration on study. Most of the students don’t even know what is their motto of life? And what is their contributions towards family, society and nation. They think they are free birds and they do what they want to do but they cannot imagine their result of it. Basically, it’s all mind game, our mi...

Spiritual and Material both education is important for our Growth

Today every institute is providing only material education and keeping spirituality in one side. They think spiritual education is different part and it should not be included in our material education but one thing they forgot that spiritual and material both are two tracks of any human society for development, if you keep any of the side unbalanced then everything will be disturbed. As we can see there are big-big universities facilitating so many degrees and high technologies education although there are so many students committing suicide every year. So, what they lack of? Government is trying to keep exam pressure away from students and this way they want to solve the current issues, but they are failed to do so. Because they are not trying to find out the root cause of the problems and trying to apply some alternate way of solutions. Today there are no Varna and Ashram principles as it was there in ancient times, everybody was following that principles and that pri...

The power of speech

In the age of technologies and gadgets gradually we are losing our communication. In this current age we are only connected with the people, but not communicating with them. Connectivity and Communication both are different thing, we are a 24x7 connected with the people but no communication at all. Dealing with the machines we have lost our real consciousness and became machine consciousness. In the survey also it is found if we are dealing more than required time with machines we become dry and we cannot deal in a proper way with the living entities. Today everything is going to be less phone become cordless, internet become wireless, foods become hotel less and relation become emotionless. In the current age, we have lots of time to spend with our gadgets, but no time with people, the reason we are motionless and we have no care our relationship with others. Day by day we are becoming depressed and frustrated and if we talk to someone there is no flavor in it, it is dry. We ...

Students of the Bharat

There was time when students were known to be disciple and following all rules and regulations defined by Teacher(Guru). In vedic time India was Bharat and that time student life was very systematic and even Chankaya Pandit has also mentioned few qualities about students. काक चेष्टा, बको ध्यानं, स्वान निद्रा तथैव च । अल्पहारी, गृहत्यागी, विद्यार्थी पंच लक्षणं ।। A student should have five basics qualities in his life: He has to be very smart He has to be very focused He has to be very alert He has to eat very less He has to be not in too much comfort And all above norms were properly followed by students in vedic times. There was discipline in schools and there was proper counseling to children, according to their nature teacher used to teach them. But now a days everything is happening opposite of it,  there is no teacher and student relationship. Class become smart and students becoming dull and there is no qualities found in student according to Chankaya Pandit....

The Real Entertainment

Entertainment is a major part of our lives, everyone is seeking for entertainment in the form of love, laugh, actions, drama and politics. It's our eternal quality and we can not deny to it,  without entertainment we can not live our life, it's stress reliever. But actually the way entertainment is now present in front of us not the real one it's all illusion and there is no learning lessons in it.  Previously it was for entertainment as well as hidden lessons for society. Now a days entertainment become pornography, abuse and giving wrong message. Actors and actress are getting paid for to be naked and talk all sort of nonsense and do cheap comedy and people laugh and pay huge amount for it. You can simply understand what lesson we can learn from these kind of entertainment and what our children learn out of it. So question is what is then Real Entertainment? Yes!  If we are real we definitely expect everything in form of reality. But we forgot our reality...

Stop Judging Others

It's become our nature, whenever we see someone we start judging and in each and every moment we never stop ourselves to judging others. That's the reason we never meet people with open heart, one side we talk to them but other side we judge, how he speak? how he behave? etc. There is vibration created when we talk to people, if we have some negative vibration, it indicates to others, if something we have in our heart and talking something different, people get to know reason God is situated in everyone heart and He gives us indication what going on in others mind. Judging others makes us unhappy and miserable because our mind always be restless and we can not be stable and if we are not stable, how come we will be happy? A person who is able to control his senses and mind can be happy. And one thing we may ask ourselves, who am I to judge others?  Who has given me authority to do that? From our senses we can not judge anyone because it is incomplete. In comparison t...

Uneducated Fool vs Educated Fool

In ancient time there was a definition of fool means who has no education and does labour class of work, but at present age there are classification of Educated and Uneducated fool. You will be surprised to know, how a person can be fool if he is educated, it seems little contradictory, but it is true. I am going to tell you few facts and figures from there you may be able to know how it is. Uneducated fool is not dangerous for society, they can only harm themselves as well within their own family, but an educated fool is very dangerous to themselves, society as well as for the nation also. There was a time when uneducated people used to call labour class or hard working and for them there were Tea Stall (Paan Bidi Shop), Dhaba for their meals and intoxication. Their community was totally different, and they were assumed to do that kind of stuffs. But they were still having some manner, what to do and what not do in society and how to avoid such kind of activity which ca...

I can't do everything does not mean, I can't do anything

God has gifted everyone with unique potential and power that is the reason we are unique and not the same. But the   biggest problem is, we try to compare our self with others and reason we become frustrated. A fish cannot compare with a bird, if fish compare with bird her life become miserable and she cannot enjoy her life. God has gifted us with unique talent, but we try to supress our talent with someone else. And this way we are not able to focus on our talent. If an Elephant think, I have huge body eat so much but I cannot run faster than Tiger and goes in depression then he loses his own power as he can lift huge weight, but tiger cannot. And finally, we come to conclusion we cannot do anything. We cannot do everything that is true but that does not mean we cannot do anything. If we take initiative and understand our self what I can do best, you can do something. And after doing something and something you can do big thing. If you think what I can do in m...

How to improve concentration and focus in study?

I was recently talking to group of parent about their child, how their child reacts at home and how they study? Most of the parent were facing major issue of their child, they were lacking of focus and concentration on their study. And later, I asked the same question from children, they replied, they want to study but they can’t focus on it. That is not only problem of few of the parents but major of them are struggling with the same kind of problem. But how can we get rid of it this, that is the question of parent as well as student? Here I am going to share you few tips from scriptures which I have experienced and applied on some of children and it worked, so if you follow these rules it must help you to focus and improve concentration in your study. Why Should I study? Ask yourself the reason, why I am studying until and unless you won’t be clarified about your why? Till the time you will never understand the value of it. Most of the students are studying to just pass the...

Tips for Exam preparation

New year eve is over and students who are going to appear in their board exams are now started worrying about it. Some of students goes under pressure and some at the time of exams feels exam fever, and more over their parent also worried about their children. Although they are going to schools, classes and studying hard but their fear never goes from their mind and if they are in competition mood then it increases more. So here I am going to share all of you a very simple and sublime tips for your exam’s preparation, and if you follow at least 70-80 % of it, I am sure you are going to achieve whatever your goal is. ü   Regular Study: Most of students thinks, I know everything and finally I will study at the time of my exams, in that way they can not prepare well for their exams. So regular study is very important. ü   Early to bed and Early to wake up: Now a day’s students try to finish their study in late night but actually that is not the proper time to study...