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Tips for Exam preparation

New year eve is over and students who are going to appear in their board exams are now started worrying about it. Some of students goes under pressure and some at the time of exams feels exam fever, and more over their parent also worried about their children.
Although they are going to schools, classes and studying hard but their fear never goes from their mind and if they are in competition mood then it increases more.
So here I am going to share all of you a very simple and sublime tips for your exam’s preparation, and if you follow at least 70-80 % of it, I am sure you are going to achieve whatever your goal is.

ü  Regular Study: Most of students thinks, I know everything and finally I will study at the time of my exams, in that way they can not prepare well for their exams. So regular study is very important.
ü  Early to bed and Early to wake up: Now a day’s students try to finish their study in late night but actually that is not the proper time to study. In our vedic culture Gurukula system, students were sleeping early and waking early in Brahma Muhurta and finish their study, reason being morning time is mode of goodness and if we study in morning it goes to our direct memory.  And In night it is mode of passion and that time we become lazy and there are so much disturbance all around and that way we cannot concentrate in our study.
ü  More Writing less Reading: Sometimes I see in train and bus, students read from their books and even they read math’s and science from books, but that is wrong way of study. If you want to study well and get proper knowledge, then you should write more and read less. Writing makes your handwriting better and while writing you already done your reading and this way you can learn answers easily. Writing makes good impression in front of examiner and if you write nicely then you can make examiner happy. Writing should be neat and clean.
ü  Every Subject matter: Most of the students only study math’s and Science all the time, they don’t give value to other subjects. But for getting good marks you need to get marks in every subject. So it is very important to study every subjects and prepare well for exam.
ü  Make Exam Notes: Make notes for each subject where you can collect all the important questions and its answers. And this way you can revise easily. Make questions as per their categories i.e. Short answers, Fill in the blanks, brief answers etc.
ü  Prepare well before Exam: Often students make a big mistake they think there is a lot of time and I can prepare well, and this way they don’t get time to prepare each and every subject properly. So better way is to plan earlier and prepare accordingly all the subjects in proper time.
ü  Sleep Well before Exam: In exams time do not feel pressure and tension but to give rest to brain and have good sleep.
ü  Eat less drink more: In exam time avoid too much spicy, oily and junk foods and drink plenty of water. Eat green vegetables, drink fruits, juices and cow milk. So here the question is why Cow milk? In India Cow is known as Mother and why not other animals knows as mother?, its just because cow milk has everything what our body exactly needs for nourishment. And drinking cow milk increase our brain power, intelligence and make us healthy.
ü  Avoid Social media/ TV: If you want to concentrate on your study then you have to keep your smart phone away. When you keep your phone with you, you keep checking every moment, is there any new message? So this way you will be getting distracted and can not focus on your study.
ü  Pray to Krishna: Everything depends on Krishna this is clearly mentioned in all scriptures, so always “Do your best and leave rest upon Krishna.” He will take care of everything. Prayer is very much important as we see most of the students knows everything but in exam they forgot. Krishna  gives memories and forgetfulness to us as it is stated in Bhagwad Gita Chapter 15.15

सर्वस्य चाहं हृदि सन्निविष्टो मत्त: स्मृतिर्ज्ञानमपोहनं |
वेदैश्च सर्वैरहमेव वेद्यो वेदान्तकृद्वेदविदेव चाहम् || 15||

I am seated in the hearts of all living beings, and from Me come memory, knowledge, as well as forgetfulness. I alone am to be known by all the Vedas, am the author of the Vedānt, and the knower of the meaning of the Vedas.

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