Today every institute is providing only material education
and keeping spirituality in one side. They think spiritual education is different
part and it should not be included in our material education but one thing they
forgot that spiritual and material both are two tracks of any human society for
development, if you keep any of the side unbalanced then everything will be
As we can see there are big-big universities facilitating so
many degrees and high technologies education although there are so many
students committing suicide every year.
So, what they lack of? Government is trying to keep exam
pressure away from students and this way they want to solve the current issues,
but they are failed to do so. Because they are not trying to find out the root
cause of the problems and trying to apply some alternate way of solutions.
Today there are no Varna and Ashram principles as it was
there in ancient times, everybody was following that principles and that principle
is made by Krishna Himself. As it is stated in Bhagwat Gita Chapter 4.13
मया सृष्टं गुणकर्मविभागशः ।
कर्तारमपि मां विद्ध्यकर्तारमव्ययम् ॥ १३
According to the three modes of material nature and the work
associated with them, the four divisions of human society are created by Me.
And although I am the creator of this system, you should know that I am yet the
nondoer, being unchangeable.
And these Ashram was made for Barhamachari (Student life),
Grihastha (Married life), Vanprastha (Retired life) and Sanyasa (Renounced
life). And these are 4 stages where a human society can divide their life in it
and go home back to godhead after completion of their responsibilities.
But now the problem is there is not Varna and Ashram and
everyone is living an animalistic way of life, Students want mixed culture,
there are no more Brahmacharya life and Grihstha wants sense gratification but
don't want to take responsibility of wife and children, there is no more
Vanprastha and Sanyasa life.
In America there is one community where retired people stay
together and enjoy there sense gratification and die with transmitted disease.
So we can see here, if we want to control our senses we must follow four Varna
and Ashram properly and specially for Student (Brahmachari life) needs to be
maintained properly otherwise whole society will get disturbed.
Basically, we are trying to build our own system and break
all rules and regulation made by our scriptures. We want to stay in live in
relationship but don't want marriage and take responsibility of it. And the
reason whole society get polluted.
Actually, this system was made to maintain human society and
keep Krishna in centre, so we can peacefully live our life and maintain society
as well.
For every relationship there are three "C" formula, Character, Commitment
and Care and if we do follow it we can make our relationship better and in
today's education no schools are teaching this.
Someone has said, If Money is gone, nothing is gone. if
Health is gone something is gone but if Character is gone everything is gone.
So, we can understand how important our character is and if
we do not have commitment and care also, we can never maintain any relations.
We can have a lot of material degrees but until and unless
we don't have spiritual knowledge we cannot survive in this world.
So, please understand the value of both the education and
live a happy and peaceful life.
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