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Showing posts from December, 2020

Year end closing of 2020

Don't be surprised, it's not the financial year but annual year closing of 2020. Here are we are going to check our Debit, Credit and Balance of Year 2020. In a summarized way we get to know how was this year and what we learned out of it? 1. This year was started from a big pandemic and going on through out the year. In one side people were too much hectic from their busy schedule even they were not worrying about their health, family and relationship. So it was very much helpful for them they at least go to know there are some other important things are also in our life, we must understand we can never execute anything from our own planing their is a big planner sitting beyond us. 2. In the history of more than 100 years this type of pandemic situation was not there, so this is one type of indication to all of us, we are very much concerned about economic development but we are not worried about our spiritual development. So this is just an beginning of our own created disast...

What is Karma?

The word Karma is the most popular word in India as well as in western too, but very few of them only knows the real meaning of it. One child take birth in a very rich family has a lot of servant from birth and one take birth in poverty even can not get proper food to eat. One is so beautiful and other one is so ugly, one is involved in sinful activities and living a very happy life, and one is involved in pious activities and living a very miserable life. In a class one child getting good marks and one bad although teacher is same for both. What is the concept and logic behind it? So here is the Karma which we are going to discuss about. The actions performed by us, as well as the result of the same as termed as Karma. In Bhagwad Gita Lord Krishna explained to Arjuna, one may not go into the deep of Laws of KARMA because it is very difficult to understand.  कर्मणो ह्यपि बोद्धव्यं बोद्धव्यं च विकर्मणः । अकर्मणश्च बोद्धव्यं गहना कर्मणो गतिः ॥ 4.17 ॥ The intricacies of action are ver...

Happy Gita Jayanti

Wish you all a very happy Gita Jayanti, on this auspicious occasion I would like to share about few people who inspired from Bhagwad Gita and transformed their life. Now they are living their life based on Bhagwad Gita because Bhagwad Gita is not an ordinary book but manual of our life. If a person seriously read at least one verse and live accordingly he surely achieve goal of his life without any obstacles. America's first-ever Hindu lawmaker Tulsi Gabbard said during a virtual commencement address that in this chaotic time, when no one can say what tomorrow looks like, one can find certainty, strength and peace in Bhagavad Gita. Dr. Vivek Bindra a motivational speaker, life coach and owner of Bada Business, always inspire people from Bhagwad Gita. He deeply convinced from teachings of Bhagwad Gita. Gaur Gopal Das a motivational speaker, life coach and famous on YouTube for millions of his followers, completel...

There is no excuses of degrees for better career

It was exactly 12 years ago, a 15 years young boy, when I joined my new office saw him. He was unable to speak in proper Hindi, he was just 12th passed but he was very humble and eager to learn new things. He used to come to me and ask me, Sir  can you teach me computers what you do?, I want to learn that things. He was not basically from no educational background but I used to explain him small-small things and on that I used to tell him, I need tea from your hand because he used to make a good tea. He was desperately eager to learn and wanted to do something in his life.  He patiently see everything and learn from everyone and that is the reason he got promoted in the same job as data entry operator. In one year he proved to be highly skilled in web designing and started creating a good website design. He used to obey to everyone in the office and respect everyone and that was the reason no one try to stop him what he wanted to do. He used to apply his skill in doing some cr...

Control your emotions while taking the decision

Sometimes it is seen,  people take decision in emotion and later they realize they make a huge mistake but that can never be rectified again. In Srimad Bhagwatam canto 1 chapter 18 there is the story of King Parikshit and Shringi Rishi, who cursed King Parikshit. When King Parikshit reached in cottage of sage Shamika he was feeling hungry and thirsty asked for water from sage Shamika but sage was in deep meditation and unable to hear king. King though he is not giving me proper hospitality and due to thirst he kept dead snake on sage neck. When Rishi Shringi son of Shamika heard this, he was playing with his friends and thought I must punish that king and emotionally to impress his friends he cursed king to dead within 7 days by snake bite. But when he reached to his father he started crying for his own mistake, what I did was just to impress my friends and emotionally I made a big mistake, but now I can not rectify it. Even his own father pointed for his mistake, how could you do ...

Vivah Panchami - Marriage Day of Lord Rama and Mother Sita

Few people say the story of Ramayana and Mahabharata is just a myth and nothing more, it is created by some great scholar for society to follow it and apply it in their life but there is no such personality exists in our past. For them we can only just say, the incident which took place in that story of Ramayana and Mahabharta is still getting now and most of the people are unable to prove it how it could be? There names, places and cultures itself is the prove somehow we are connected through it after more than  hundred thousands of years and years, still we can connect with that event and cultures. Here is the same thing we can connect through Lord Rama and mother Sita marriage day which is known as Vivah Panchami, today we are celebrating Vivah Panchami. If you go and ask in Nepal and Bihar they took in auspicious day today and they never marriage their daughter on that day as mother Sita suffered a lot when she married with Lord Rama on that day. So it is also one evidence...

Our problems seems very big in compare to others

Problems in our life is never going to be away forever, it only change it forms. But going away from the problem is not the permanent solution, there is a saying, solution comes before the problem. But often we lose our patience and give up, thinking we can never solve this. In this world no one is free from problems, but often we compare our problems to others, how good that person is and how poor I am? He has no problem in his life, but I have a lot of problems, I am so miserable, unfortunate. There is a very short but a meaning full story. There was a person always used to complain to God, Oh God! you have given me so much problems in my life, I am the only person who has that much problems and no one else in the whole world. I am very much tired, I want to give up my life, what is the purpose of living if I have to suffer so much. God replied in his dream, my dear son, I have a plan for you, when you wake up in the morning go to the tree in your garden and there are so many bundles...

Online Bhagwad Gita Contest 2020

We are happy to announce that like every year on the auspicious occasion of Gita Jayanti this year also we are organizing the Bhagwad Gita contest but this year it is online. So, let's prepare to participate in this Bhagwad Gita contest whether you are student, house holder, employee, young or old does not matter. This contest will help you to go through our holy scripture on this auspicious month and will give you great fun while attempting online quiz (it will be multi choice question like K.B.C). Every participant will get copy of Bhagwad Gita and winner will get exciting prize. So, let's help and share this to your near and dear one to participate into this. Please register yourself by just clicking on below link, registration starts from today. Register for Online Bhawad Gita Contest Contest will start on 25th December on Gita Jayanti at 3.30 p.m. There will be 20 questions and time will be one hour. For any queries related to contest, feel free to ask or whatsapp 98922 17...

Don't let situation affect your mind

There is a strong connection with our body to mind, if we feel good our mind makes us happy and vice versa if bad then it makes us sad. We must understand this connection of mind through our senses,  sometimes we feel if I get something I must be happy but after getting that objects the same mind demands something else and seems there is no pleasure in it. Nature of mind is keeping senses busy in different-different objects,  it's like a monkey which can not sit idle at one place. But remember one thing, whatever we try to give to our senses it demands more and more and mind never makes us happy by fulfilling our sense demands. So, now the question is what is that which can keep us always happy? Answer is, we can not keep our mind happy until and unless we won't understand our real position. who we are and what our nature? Like a fish can be only happy when it will be in water else if we try to make her happy by providing so many things outside the water then it will be only w...

Tolerate the Unchanged

In this world most of the times we do not like person, things and situations and trying to get alternative of it or quit thinking it is the best solution for me.  But in Bhagwad Gita chapter 2.14 Lord Krishna has already mentioned a person should always try to tolerate that situation. मात्रास्पर्शास्तु कौन्तेय शीतोष्णसुखदुःखदाः । आगमापायिनोऽनित्यास्तांस्तितिक्षस्व भारत ॥ 2.14 ॥ O son of Kunti, the nonpermanent appearance of happiness and distress, and their disappearance in due course, are like the appearance and disappearance of winter and summer seasons. They arise from sense perception, O scion of Bharata, and one must learn to tolerate them without being disturbed. Situation, person and things will come and go and it is not going to be permanent with you, how season change from winter to summer and then rain,  the same way situation of life is also going to change after some time. A wise person tolerate that situation which is beyond his control and accept it how it is and...

Losing faith is the greatest loss for us

There is an old saying, if we lost money we lost nothing, if we lost health we lost something but if we lost character we lost everything.  But top of it, if we lost faith then we have great lost. Losing money, prestige, health or even life is not a great loss for us but losing faith on God is the biggest loss for us. There is a small but real story I am going to share with all  of you from which we can understand how faith works.  There was a person in village making cottage from his own hand mistakenly he caught snake in his hand and he was not aware of that and snake bite in his hand. After sometimes when he saw, there is bleeding from his hand, he thought it must be some normal wound and he forgot and busy in some other work. One year later when he went to repair the same cottage, he saw there is a dead snake tied with rope, suddenly he recalled that wound from his hand and thought that was not an ordinary wound but a snake bite. While sleeping in night he was remembe...

There is no shortcut to success!

Many youth only think of shortcut to get success but they don't know success is not so easy to get it in very easy way. Success comes from determination, sincerity, humility, gratitude and by cooperation. But most of the people think I am the only responsible for my success. Success is not a destination but journey, we must know there is no shortcut to get success. In Srimad Bhagwatam it is mentioned, when Dhruva went to forest to achieve kingdom greater than Lord Brahma as he was insulted by his step mother. He met sage Narada and by the advice from Narada Muni he started austerity for six months and started fasting from everything (eat only dry leaves, water, air) and finally he stopped his breath also.  By this, the whole universe become air free and every living entities started suffocating. Finally Lord Narayna appeared in front of Dhruva and blessed him. He gifted Dhruva his own abode (Dhruva Loka) and on earth he ruled over 36,000 years. So, here we can see here at the age o...

Be Carefree but don't be Careless

There was the time when people used to live carefree life but now in modern times we are living careless life. There is a big difference being carefree and careless. Being carefree means free of worries, anxieties and tension. A carefree person does not worry too much about his problems.  That does not mean people were irresponsible in old days, they were more responsible than now but they try their best to do and leave the rest on God, they never become too attached with their actions. That is why they used to live a good, healthy and long life. They knew properly how much I need to worry and for what I need to worry. They never goes into the depression like today most of the people (as per survey 75 percent people visit psychiatrist for not satisfied with their life). They never keep too much things in their mind to keep worrying about it, they never plan too much to get disturbed, they just take everything as an responsibility to maintain body, mind and soul. Now, if we talk abo...

Effect of Bhagwad Gita Distribution

Our founder Acharya His Divine Grace Swami A.C. Bhaktivedanta Srila Prabhupada used to say to their disciples,  temple is not mandatory for us to spread Krishna Consciousness all over the world, but Book distribution is very much important for us to spread Krishna Consciousness. If a person buy one book his life may be turned, and that is the best preaching work we all can do. Every year we meet with new people and distribute them Bhagwad Gita, and when they start reading their life change automatically. Here I am going to share one incident what we faced last year during book distribution, there were three-four young girls came to eat pani-puri we were also kept our stall near pani-puri shop. I asked one of them, please take Bhagwad Gita, she refused and started chatting to her friend. There was one girl she came to me and asked, uncle how much for one copy? I told her it's only Rs. 140 are you willing to take? She told yes,  I needed, I have heard there are so many things in...

Devotional service is not waste of time!

One person asked me, "why you people get up early and do prayers for so long time and chant your rounds, it is not so much time consuming process, instead why not you people do some productive work?" These type of thought process may come to anyone who think, doing spiritual work is just a waste of time nothing else. But in Bhagwad Gita Lord Krishna has already declared about, if someone does little of devotions towards Krishna it can protect us from biggest danger; नेहाभिक्रमनाशोऽस्ति प्रत्यवायो न विद्यते । स्वल्पमप्यस्य धर्मस्य त्रायते महतो भयात् ॥ 2.40 ॥ In this endeavor there is no loss or diminution, and a little advancement on this path can protect one from the most dangerous type of fear. Many people goes to watch movies, shopping, picnics and waste so much time for doing nothing. But they don't give excuses for that task why they waste their time as, if simply we calculate a normal human being waste his more than 50 percent of time in doing nothing. But devotional...

Modern society is based on Charvaka Philosophy

It's not that there were no atheist in ancient times,  so there is no surprise in modern times if people follow Godless civilization. Our modern society is purely based on Charvaka Philosophy, they think only of eat, drink and be marry, they have no concern of anything else in their life. As per Charvaka philosophy; यावज्जीवेत्सुखं जीवेत् ऋणं कृत्वा घृतं पिबेत् । भस्मीभूतस्य देहस्य पुनरागमनं कुतः ।। Live so long you have a life and live with all comforts and luxury (like eating butter) even if you have to take a loan. We see modern people take loans for their luxury life and at the time when they have to pay back they goes here and there and if they don't find any solution they started fights with their family. Most of the relations are getting break just because of this theory, they try to enjoy their life in beginning but some how they could not manage it for so long and then fight starts and they break relations from each others. Even some of the relation we see, people are ...

Life is full of uncertainty

If we say, we have control and hundred percent sure about our life then we are the biggest liar in this world. Life is full of uncertainty, we plan something but happen something else. Yes, sometimes it seems my plans are working but it is also the part of our uncertain plan which seems it is working. If we see, there are so many doctors want their child to be doctor but they are not. There are so many cricketers wanted their child to be cricketer but they are not. There are so may honest person wanted their child to become honest like him but his child become a great thief. There is no guarantee, a intelligent student can not fail in exam or a poor student can not pass exam. There is no guarantee a smart person become successful and a dull person become unsuccessful. There is no guarantee a good driver can not make an accident and a bad drive can not drive safely. There is no guarantee a successful person can not be failure, and a failure person can not be successful. So, in this unce...