It's not that there were no atheist in ancient times, so there is no surprise in modern times if people follow Godless civilization.
Our modern society is purely based on Charvaka Philosophy, they think only of eat, drink and be marry, they have no concern of anything else in their life.
As per Charvaka philosophy;
यावज्जीवेत्सुखं जीवेत् ऋणं कृत्वा घृतं पिबेत् । भस्मीभूतस्य देहस्य पुनरागमनं कुतः ।।
Live so long you have a life and live with all comforts and luxury (like eating butter) even if you have to take a loan.
We see modern people take loans for their luxury life and at the time when they have to pay back they goes here and there and if they don't find any solution they started fights with their family.
Most of the relations are getting break just because of this theory, they try to enjoy their life in beginning but some how they could not manage it for so long and then fight starts and they break relations from each others.
Even some of the relation we see, people are just working hard to pay their debt and they don't have their family and social life.
But in our Vedic culture it is been taught, live a satisfied and peaceful life, whatever you have you just be happy with it.
Earning is not in our hand but expenses is, we can chose how much we can expense for our life.
A person can fulfill his needs but not his greed.
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