Wish you all a very happy Gita Jayanti, on this auspicious occasion I would like to share about few people who inspired from Bhagwad Gita and transformed their life. Now they are living their life based on Bhagwad Gita because Bhagwad Gita is not an ordinary book but manual of our life. If a person seriously read at least one verse and live accordingly he surely achieve goal of his life without any obstacles. |
America's first-ever Hindu lawmaker Tulsi Gabbard said during a virtual commencement address that in this chaotic time, when no one can say what tomorrow looks like, one can find certainty, strength and peace in Bhagavad Gita. |
Dr. Vivek Bindra a motivational speaker, life coach and owner of Bada Business, always inspire people from Bhagwad Gita. He deeply convinced from teachings of Bhagwad Gita. |
Gaur Gopal Das a motivational speaker, life coach and famous on YouTube for millions of his followers, completely learnd and teaches lesson from Bhagwad Gita through his speech. |
Alfred Ford owner of the Ford Motors, inspired from Bhagwad Gita and Vedic culture. He live his life as per Bhagwad Gita and from his very busy schedule he never skip his spiritual program. |
The great scientist Albert Einstein believe that that there is super power beyond our control and that is God and God is revealing through Bhagwad Gita as a person. When I read the Bhagavad-Gita and reflect about how God created this universe everything else seems so superfluous. |
Now, you can be the next and can change your life by reading Bhagavad Gita and transform yourself to your real identity within you. Don't wait, start reading now and see the inner changes. Please feel free to share your feedback and comments. |
We participate in so many exams in our life, and get the results as per our preparation for that exams. But most of the exams we have option, whether to attempt it or not? But there is one exam in our life which we may ignore saying we will see when it would come in our life, but we all have to attempt we don't have any choice, whether we are poor, rich, educated or illiterate. Srila Prabhupada used to say, this life is our preparation how we are preparing our-self for coming exam. Because that exam has no prior time table, no time period, no grace marks, and no cheat sheet allowed. And you may be surprise to know, all our activities are recorded by Yamduta for our each and every moments with evidence. Yes, Yamduta will show your answer sheet and you can review it, whether he has marked you in correct way or not? You are successful, if you are passed your exams but if you are failed then you don't know when you will have to reattempt that exam (it could be after 84 lac...
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