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Showing posts from May, 2022

Difference between a ripe and raw fruit

One day a school teacher was teaching to their students, dear students which fruit you like most? Some student says, Banana some says Mango and some says grapes etc. Then teacher asked the next question, do you like it in a ripe form or in raw form? Then whole class raised their hands saying we like ripe fruits not raw. Then teacher asked why do you like ripe not raw fruit, tell me any specific reason for that? One by one each student started saying because it does not give proper taste,  it does not looks in real form, it can damage our health and so many reasons to not to eat raw fruit. Teacher smiled and said, my dear students same way if we are not enough mature to speak nicely with others, behave well with others, respect others and follow etiquettes in our life then we are also like a raw fruit, no one would like us. Like everyone wants ripe fruit we should also shows maturity in our behavior then everyone will like us. And for that we must have to be in good association, dev...

Add value in your life

In our Vedic Scriptures Mahabharata it is mentioned that a human form of life does not meant for only eating, sleeping, mating and defending if one is doing only these four things he is no better than animals. आहार-निद्रा-भय-मैथुनं च समानमेतत्पशुभिर्नराणाम् । धर्मो हि तेषामधिको विशेषो धर्मेण हीनाः पशुभिः समानाः ॥ Human form of life means to have a better purpose in our life, if one does not do good for his own welfare and not gives something good to the society he is simply wasting his life although he is living a very prosperous life. There are some principles in our life and if one try to follow, surely he will live a better life. 1. Service Attitude: One should try to serve others in a very respective mood and by doing this continuously he develop humility and remove false ego . Service towards devotee of Lord Krishna is the best service and that should be our first priority. Reason is we can not directly serve to Krishna as our heart is very much polluted with Lust, Anger, Greed a...

Replace Fear with Gratitude and depression with Appreciation

In today's world we see most of the people are very much fearful from the others than anything else. People think this person is my enemy and he will steal my whole money and if he get chance he can kill me. Even a father does not keep faith on his own son and hide some secrets from him and even husband and wife do not share their phones with each others due to fear of their own privacy. And once fear comes in our mind we become depressed in our life although we have lots of things but nothing works. A person goes into depression sometimes when he does not find anyone to share his thoughts. Our Vedic Scriptures says, a person should always be fearless and try to appreciate others and these two qualities are parallel. If one shows his gratitude towards others he feel happy and peaceful. One may think why should I pay gratitude towards others as I am the only owner of my achievements but in Bhagwad Gita 3.27 Lord Krishna says, a foolish person can think of a doer ship mentality becau...

Never get too much excited in happiness that you forgot your actual goal

It is mentioned in Srimad Bhagwad Gita (2.14), one should tolerate happiness and distress both as sometimes tolerating distress is very much easy compare to happiness. There was a king he was very much devoted to Lord Vishnu and before doing his prescribed duty he always pray to Lord Vishnu and always remember Vishnu while performing his daily activities. Day was passing one day he became father of a son and he was very happy. When he retire from his daily activities and his son comes in his lap he forgot his whole tiredness. His attachment towards his son was increasing on daily basis and slowly-slowly he started going away from Lord Vishnu and he was feeling so much happy.  One day when his son was playing near by his courtyard a poisonous snake bit his son and he immediately died. After hearing this king started lamenting on his son's death and after 2-3 days he fall sick due to hunger and thirst. One day he prayed to Lord Vishnu, My dear Lord I know it is my mistake in exciteme...

Do not kill the time

Most of the people ask, is there any way to pass the time as I am unable to pass it?  Most of them use Televisions, Smart phones, watch movies, watch sports or go to shop to pass their time but actually these are the way to kill the time. Now, here is the question what does it mean killing the time?  So, it's very simple, when you spend your time and did not get anything return in a very positive way then it is only killing the time as we all know time is very precious and nothing is more precious than it even money too can not buy the time once it is over. In Srimad Bhagwatam it is mentioned that majority of the people spend their time in a day by working hard to run their family and in night either they sleep or engage with their partner for sex. And this way they spend day and night, month and years and life and finally one day the time in the form of death come and bring them back to their abode Yamloka. So a wise person always respect time and do the needful. Everyone has...

How to deal in negative situations?

It is said that if a tree is deep rooted in earth no winds can harm it but, if it is not deep rooted a slow wind can uproot it. Same way if we are not enough strong internally any negative situations can drag us into miserable situation does not matter how much we are externally strong. Great Saint Tukaram Maharaj was coming after taking bath from river and one person spitted on Tukaram Maharaj face. Saint Tukaram did not say anything instead he went to river and bath again. While coming after bath again the same person spitted on his mouth Tukaram Maharaj did not say anything instead he went to river and bath again. This was repeatedly happened more than 20 times but Saint Tukaram did not say anything but the person fall down on Tukaram Maharaj foot and started crying, "Please forgive me I have done a great offense on you." Saint Tukaram Maharaj replied, nothing to sorry my dear brother because of you I have taken bath more than 20 times a day which is very rare in my life t...

Responsibility - the seed of transformation

There were five students in a college they all were very much closed to their professor and professor was also very much impressed by all of them. One very fine day professor called all of them and asked, I am going to be old now and I need one of you to help me in my daily activities, who will come for it? Everyone was looking to each others and it was very silent but after a minute one student stood and told to professor, "Sir, I am ready to serve you please give me chance." Professor smiled and told, But do you know it is a big responsibility on you, think twice before accepting it. Student silently smiled and said to professor, "My dear professor till now you took our responsibility other wise we were nothing and now it's our time to take your responsibility." My dear son, I was looking for the person who can take care of my position after me and you are the one I am very proud on you, professor said. Rest four was feeling ashamed and they were thinking how ...

You can not succeed in your life without failing

We know about Hanuman ji the greatest devotee of Lord Sri Ram how powerful he is and when it comes to serve Lord Rama he can go to any extent. But what do you think he was always successful, he never saw failure in his life ? No, it's not like that sometimes he also has to go through the situation where he was thinking to end hi s life. When Hanuman Ji entered into Lanka and searching for mother Sita, he went though all palaces of Ravana and he was unable to find mother Sita, he thought might be Ravana has killed mother Sita or Mother Sita has committed suicide. There are so many thoughts coming into the mind of Hanuman and while thinking he thought, if he return Kiskindha without finding mother Sita and tell them about mother Sita is know more after hearing Lord Rama will end his life and when Lord Rama die Laxmana will also end his life and after Rama and Laxmana Sugriva will also end his life and when this news will reach to Ayodhya all three mothers will die along with Bharsta ...

Work Hard Party Harder

Most of the youth thinks working hard and enjoying more from the earning is the only goal of the life but they forget the more we try to enjoy more we suffer. As per the survey from America more than 70 percent of youth are struggling from depression and hyper tension just because of their unnatural behavior. Their lifestyle is completely different they only think of work-work and work else sense gratification nothing else. One who does not following Vedic  Regulations is living a very risky life, being condemned more and more. Rejections of Vedic life means living a animalistic life where in the name of freedom men and women are mixing together and producing an unwanted child and that child becomes a hybridized product and if a parent do not live as per Vedic Injunction how can they teach to their children. Most of the youth of America leave their parent once they reach at the age of 15-18 because they think now they are enough matured to live their life and now they do not need t...

We have enough intelligence but lack of patience

In the era of modernization where we are in too much hurry even can't see our travel ticket whether is it right or wrong, can't stand in que, can't wait for someone more than 2-5 mins,  can't see more than 5 mins videos, so what is it exactly? We are definitely growing through technology and sharping our intelligence but only technical skills and intelligence is not sufficient to sustain our long run life, we need patience also. Without patience we can not reach to our goal, A child take 18 years to become a man, he can not lose his patience and ask to become a man when he is born. Lord Ramchandra had 12 months of patience although he was having lack of technologies but He was capable to search mother Sita because He was having full patience. Now a days people are losing their patience and that is very dangerous symptoms to grow in our life, life needs pause and it is not the race course, and without patience we can not live a happy and peaceful life although we have ev...

Puri and Sridham Mayapur Yatra

We are grateful to H.G Hari Gopal Prabhuji, H.G Hari Madhav Prabhuji, H.G Amal Manjhari Mataji, Akash Prabhuji, Amit Prabhuji, Ankita Mataji and Abhishesk Prabhuji and other devotees for a wonderful Puri and Sridham Mayapur Yatra, who just not only serve better to facilitate us but also sacrificed a lot for our service too. H.G. Hari Gopal Prabhuji addressing devotees Day 1 Schedule: We all devotees catch the train from Mumbai (LTT) to Bhubneshwar LTT BBS Superfast Express -12879  on 12.15 through overnight and whole day and night journey we reached in morning 07:15 a.m. Devotees reached at Sri Chaitanya Gaudiya Math (birth place of His Divine Grace Bhakti Siddhant Sarswati Thakura) by 9.30 a.m and after settled down we all took delicious prasadam, after taking rest till 4 p.m we all gathered in temple hall and H.G. Hari Gopal Prabhuji addressed about Sri Dham Jagannath Puri and finally we went for darshan at 5 to Sri Jagannath temple. We had very nice darshan of Sri Jagannath, Bal...