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Puri and Sridham Mayapur Yatra

We are grateful to H.G Hari Gopal Prabhuji, H.G Hari Madhav Prabhuji, H.G Amal Manjhari Mataji, Akash Prabhuji, Amit Prabhuji, Ankita Mataji and Abhishesk Prabhuji and other devotees for a wonderful Puri and Sridham Mayapur Yatra, who just not only serve better to facilitate us but also sacrificed a lot for our service too.

H.G. Hari Gopal Prabhuji addressing devotees

Day 1 Schedule:

We all devotees catch the train from Mumbai (LTT) to Bhubneshwar LTT BBS Superfast Express -12879  on 12.15 through overnight and whole day and night journey we reached in morning 07:15 a.m.

Devotees reached at Sri Chaitanya Gaudiya Math (birth place of His Divine Grace Bhakti Siddhant Sarswati Thakura) by 9.30 a.m and after settled down we all took delicious prasadam, after taking rest till 4 p.m we all gathered in temple hall and H.G. Hari Gopal Prabhuji addressed about Sri Dham Jagannath Puri and finally we went for darshan at 5 to Sri Jagannath temple.

We had very nice darshan of Sri Jagannath, Baldeva and Subhadra Maiya and Vimala Devi, Mata Laxmi, Kanchipuram Ganesha, Rohini Kund and other deity darshan inside the temple.

The Purushottama Kshetra Mahatmya of Skanda Purana tells the story of a crow who fell in the Rohini Kund and immediately got four-handed forms similar to Lord Vishnu and went to the spiritual world.

After darshan we sat in temple campus and chanted our rounds and returned back to Sri Chaitanya Gaudiya Math, after taking prasadam we went to sleep.

Sri Jagannath, Baldeva, Subhadra Maiya Puri Dham

Day 2 Schedule:

Morning 7 a.m. we took our breakfast and ready to go to places where Lord Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu spend His life with their intimate followers like Sarbhaum Bhattacharya, Murari Gupta, Haridas Thakura etc. We went to place like Tota Gopinath where Lord is sitting,  Sarbhaum Bhattacharya home, Siddhi Bakul Tree where Srila Haridas Thakura used to chant his 192 rounds daily then we went to place where Srila Haridas Thakura samdhi is there we took darshan of Sri Sri Gaur Radha Giridhari Bhagwan darshan at Iskcon puri and then we went to Sakshi Gopal and then we went to Lingraj and then Gambhira the place where Lord Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu spent His time after speration from Lord Jagannath (for 15 days snan yatra where Lord Jagannath is not visible to everyone). We also visited Iskcon Bhubneshwar by H.H. Gaur Govind Maharaj Srila Prabhupad's last 108th temple.

Sri Sri Krishna Balram, Gaur Nitai, Jagannth Baldeva Subhadra Maiya at Iskcon Bhubneshwar

Day 3 Schedule:

We went to see again Lord Jagannth in morning and then went to sea side where there we had breakfast at the beach side and it was very auspicious morning where clean water and cool winds were showering in the form of Sri Jagannath Ji mercy. 

Finally we went to see Anandbajar where all Jaganth Ji prasadam available and then we went to see some local markets and other near by places and after taking prasadam at 8.30 we all are ready to move from Sri dham Puri to Mayapur from Puri Station to Shalimar at 9.45 p.m.

Day 4 Schedule:

We reached by 07.45 a.m. at Shalimar station and by bus we are ready to go to Sridham Mayapur by continuous journey of 5 hours. Finally we reached at Mayapur dham around 1.30 and we were felling so hungry we went for prasdam.

After prasadam everyone we went for some rest and at 5.30 p.m we went to Darshan for Sri Sri Radha Madhav and AshtSakhi, Sri Sri Panchtatva and Narsimha Deva. We went to see Srila Prabhupda Samadhi and back to dinner prasadam by 8.30 p.m.

Chandrodadya Mandir at Sridham Maypur, West Bengal

Day 5 Schedule:

Early morning 4.30 a.m. we went to Sri Mangala Arti in temple and after Darshan Arti and Narsimha Prayers we took small snacks and ready to go to places like Birth place of Nimai (Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabu) and visited other places like Narsimha Palli where Lord Narsimha washed His hands after killing Hirnyakashyapu. We back by 1.30 p.m. and after prasadam we took rest and at 5 p.m, we went to Ganga snan and return to temple by 7.30 p.m.

Srila Prabhupda Bhajan Kutir since 1972 non-stop kirtan going on

Day 6 Schedule: 

After morning Mangala Arti and Darshan Arti we took small snacks and ready to go to visit places like Birth place of Srila Bhakti Vindod Thakura and His Samadhi, then Surabhi Kunj, Aamghat, Sri Jagaanth Ji at Rajapur and many more places.

After completing all darshan we back to temple and took lunch prasadam and go to rest. After 6 p.m. we went to see Gausala and it was like heavy rain and wind we were stopped for some times and then back to temple for Sandhya Arti.

After Sandhya Arti we all went to dinner prasadam.

Sri Sri Panchtatva at Mayapur Dham

Day 7 Schedule: 

After morning Mangala Arti and Darshan Arti we went to shop and purchased so many things and prasadam and then we went for prasadam hall directly to leave early to catch the train by 5 hours bus journey to Howrah station.

Finally we caught train by 7.50 p.m. from Howrah station to Mumbai. We are very grateful to our spiritual teacher and Master Sri Pavan Nimai Prabhuji and H.H. Sri Gopal Krishna Gowswami Mahraj ji for their blessings and other devotees for their support for this wonderful and memorable Yatra.

Harinam Sankirtan by devotees

Howrah Station, Kolkata, West Bengal

Photo Courtesy -Abhishesk Prabhuji

Jai Sri Jagannath Puri Dham ki, Jai Sri Mayapur Dham Ki!!!


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