We wish you all a very happy Jagannath Rath Yatra 2022. Many of may not be aware of who is Lord Jagannath and why Rath Yatra festival organized where Lord Jagannath sit on Chariot to shower his mercy upon us. So first of all Lord Jagannath is none other than Lord Krishna Himself and in Kali He has appeared to shower his mercy upon fallen soul like us. Many people may not have time to see Lord so here Lord Jagannath is so merciful He Himself come out from His temple to see people. In Jagannath Puri (Odisha) where Lord Jagannath, Baldeva along with their Younger Sister Subhadra appeared in end of Dwapara Yuga. Jagannath Puri is not an ordinary place but it is like Lord Krishna's higher planet like Vaikuntha. Every year Ratha Yatra organized in Puri but like Jagannath our founder Acharcya H.D.G. Srila Prabhupada also in compassion started Rath Yatra all across the world and now not only India and Puri there are Singapore, USA, UK, California, Russia and there are many more wher...
This blog is to help students to learn morality in thier life from the examples of our Vedic scriptures. This blog is dedicated in the service of saviour of the whole world from the illusion, His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanata Swami Srila Prabhupada. If one student take this seriously and try to apply in his life surely he can attain the great success in his life through Vedic wisdom.