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Showing posts from February, 2022

What is the Best way to please Lord Shiva?

People take Lord Shiva as an ordinary demigod and think whatever we do Lord Shiva will be pleased by my activities but it is not, Lord Shiva is a very superior personality in all demigods and He can be only pleased when we do what he likes. And the best way to please Lord Shiva is to chant the holy names of Lord Krishna (to please Krishna). That is why we see Lord Shiva always busy in their mediation and mediate all the time on Lord Krishna (in the form of Lord Rama). But in this world normally we see people offer them intoxicated things and take it granted and use it for their own sense gratification but actually in our scripture no where it is mentioned Lord Shiva use intoxicated things although He drunk poison while churning of sea ocean and no one can drink a small portion of it. Lord Shiva can give anything what we want but he has very valuable asset which He rarely disclose with everyone and that is pure devotion because He is pure devotee of Lord Krishna as it is mentioned in Sr

Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura - The Living Encyclopedia

Today we are celebrating the auspicious appearance day of His Divine Grace Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura the spiritual master of Iskcon founder Acharya His Divine Grace Srila Bhakti Vedanta Swami Srila Prabhupada. Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura gave instructions to Srila Prabhupada, to go and preach Krishna Consciousness in western countries and we can see now in the whole world there are more than 600 temples of Radha and Krishna and more than 50 million people are reading Bhagwad Gita and applying in their life. Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura was not an ordinary person, he was very divine from his childhood and at the age of 7 he memorized whole 700 verses of Bhagwad Gita and when he grown up he became learned scholar of Vedic Scriptures, he challenged to Mayawadis and proved Lord has His form, qualities and names He is not formless. At that time people used to turn their path by just seeing them and call them a Lion Guru. He was very much determined, from

Shivaji Maharaj - The real Singham

Shivaji Maharaj who not only protected our Vedic Santana Dharma but  taught us how to live in this world by accepting Vedic principles from his own example. It is said that quality of Shivaji Maharaj was divine from his childhood because of his mother Jijabai. His mother used to taught him Mahabharat, Ramayana and Gita from his childhood and when Shivaji Maharaj started growing he developed all good qualities of a pure devotee. He was brave like Maharana Pratap and intelligent like Chankya Pandit, he was not only powerful but very humble, compassionate, honest and protector of all. Our Santana Dharma can be protected by two ways, one by knowing Shashtra (Scriptures) and other by Shashtra (Weapon) and Brahmana can engage preaching scripture to the people and Khatriya has his duty to protect Brahmna by all bad people. Shivaji Maharaj accepted Samartha Ramdas Swami as his guru and always ready to follow all his instructions for whole life and ruled kingdom by morality. Aurangajeb was the

Are we progressing in Right Direction?

Ajay a college student now become a graduate and searching for job luckily he got job in reputed company.  He is now feeling glad and his parent too for his success and after few years he bought new car from his savings. Ajay got promotion and become general manager in his company after few years, now his friends and family think he is progressing in his career and he is completely settled now. But one late night when Ajay came to home and he is fully drunk and fall down on ground while coming out from his car, after hearing the sound of noise his parent come out to check what happens? They see Ajay is completely unconscious and bleeding from his head , their parent call doctor immediately.  Doctor come and see Ajay's condition and inform their parent personally, it will take lots of time to recover him due to more alcohols and smoke his kidney and lever are damaged and he may get brain stroke in future, so you must care him. His parent become shocked after hearing this, they thoug

Change your life from Digital to Spiritual

As per Internet survey a person spend his average time more than 80 percent on his cell phones using digital media, games and movies. Understanding the behavior of human being most of the social media company are changing their strategy time to time, how to engage people more than on their app or website and for that purpose they change features as well as attractive advertisement and photos on time and demand. In human brain their is a tendency to get appreciation and likes to hear from others what he does and there is dopamine kicks arises in our brain to check likes and appreciation in the forms of comments and sharing photos and videos. That is why people used to upload their best photos and videos on Facebook and Instagram to attract people and check more than 50-100 times in a day to know how many people liked and shared their pictures. That is why most of the people are starting their day from phone when they wake up in the morning, they want something new via social media apps,