There are two types of power, one is Spiritual and another is Material. Material power are available in this world for the people who really want to achieve it but Spiritual power is gift of God and it is one kind of mercy to the devotees from the God. Material power brings false ego with it but spiritual power brings humility. When people get material power they puffed up from false ego and thinks there is no one equivalent to him. Material power is one type of illusory energy of God but people think I am the master of it. Spiritual power gives devotees opportunity to serve Lord by that power and apply it for welfare of others but Material power gives selfishness and develop acquiring others tendency in mind. Spiritually powerful devotees become more satisfied but Materially powerful person always seems to be unsatisfied and his mind become restless. Here I am going to share you one example where you can easily understand what the power of both. When War was about to start fr...
This blog is to help students to learn morality in thier life from the examples of our Vedic scriptures. This blog is dedicated in the service of saviour of the whole world from the illusion, His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanata Swami Srila Prabhupada. If one student take this seriously and try to apply in his life surely he can attain the great success in his life through Vedic wisdom.