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Globalization Or Localisation?

Modern age people think globalization is very important to live a happy and peaceful life but one thing they forgot globalization only encourage us to gratify our senses more and more.
In those days people were satisfied and happy even they were living without electricity, multiplex, high-speed cars, big restaurants etc. Because they were internally satisfied and never looking for external sanctification or sense gratification.

Globalization given us more chance to gratify our senses if we lack it from our local resources and that is the reason we are spending more money to maintain our living standards.

If we see Lord Rama even was capable to rule over Lanka but he never accepted instead he was living a happy and peaceful life in Ayodhya only. We can learn from it why Lord Rama did so? Are we think we are more intelligent than Lord Rama?

Corona Virus is the result of Globalization and why not we must accept it, because if we accept international things so much, then this virus is also international and we must welcome it.

Now no-one is going to Pizza, multiplex, foreign trip but sitting at home and eating only daal-rice. We never hesitate to give tip of 500 Rs to waiter but buying vegetables from street we bargain for 5 rupees but they are not selling fruits and vegetables to make more business rather to earn for their daily bread and butter.

Actually we need Localization instead of Globalization. We underestimated our local resources and started thinking of international markets. We have everything to live a happy and peaceful life from our natural resources.

The material nature is complete because it comes from God, Krishna. So all facilities for living happily are present in all parts of the world. Unnecessarily transporting a thing from one region to another creates chaos. For this, mankind has to work hard. This world can’t advance more than that set by Krishna. Any attempt to advance it will create issues like terrorism, wars, epidemic etc. Food, construction material, water, medicines, clothing facility are all available in all parts of the world based on the needs of that environment. What is the need to transport things from one part of the world to another? That just makes such diseases transmit quickly.

Srila Prabhupada said “We are creating a civilization which is very painful, but we are thinking that we are advanced. This is illusion. We are simply creating problems, and still we are thinking that we are advanced”.

I request everyone please think of Localization instead of Globalization and live a happy and peaceful life.

Feel free to share your feedback/comments.


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