Hare Krishna,
It is very important to all of us to understand how important our time is? Most of the times we waste our time by doing nothing and when our time is over we rush for doing important things.
Doing right activities at right time should be our first approach that's what Bhagwad Gita is teachings to all human being. According to Bhagwad Gita we must understand our prescribed duty first and do it on priority basis without any hesitation.
Whether we are in Professional life, Business person, house holder or student it is very much important to all of us to understand how we can prioritize our task.
Depending upon how we plan our activities with in the time that we have to that extent we will be able to manage our time very nicely. We can fit into more activities into same amount of time and achieve more in this life.
And that is only only possible when we are in the Mode of goodness.
For that we have to do some spiritual practices that is ABCD rules.
1. Association of devotees (Good people)
2. Book Reading (Regularly reading Shrila Prabhupad Books)
3. Chanting Holy Names of Lord Krishna (Hare Krishna Mahamntra)
4. Diet (Healthy and offered food to Lord Krishna)
And of course once we are on spiritual plate form then we can follow four quadrant rules to manage our task on priority basis and give our time into it.
If we try to follow in our day to day life this quadrant, then surely we will be able manage our time properly.
For any feedback/comment you are welcome.
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