I am Hindu, you are Muslim, He is Sikha and they are Christian these are not at all Dharma but categorized by us to make our own community strong.
Most of the people fight for only because you are not following my Dharma and not belongs to my community.
Dharma means our unchangeable quality which can never be changed in any circumstances. Like a sugar has sweet quality and chilly has spicy, sugar can never be spicy and chilly can never be sweet. Same way we are not the body but eternal soul (part and parcel of Krishna as per B.G 15.7) and our real Dharma is to serve Lord.
ममैवांशो जीवलोके जीवभूत: सनातन: ।
मन:षष्ठानीन्द्रियाणि प्रकृतिस्थानि कर्षति ॥ 15.7 ॥
The living entities in this conditioned world are My eternal fragmental parts. Due to conditioned life, they are struggling very hard with the six senses, which include the mind.
Until and unless we don't serve Lord we can never be happy. Like in a body there is stomach and if we feed food into it we will be healthy and happy but if we try to feed food to hands and legs or other parts of the body we can never be healthy or happy.
A fish can never be happy from out of water although we provide so many facilities what she can not get into water but when she gets into water she will be happy.
Our eternal quality is to serve Krishna and if we serve Krishna we will be happy because Krishna is the source of our happiness as He is known as Hrishikesh and Govind.
That is why it is very important to know, what is our real Dharma and How can we know about it? Each and every individual has only Santana Dharma because we are eternal as our body is temporary but not soul, soul is eternal and unchangeable that is why our Dharma is Sanatana (unchangeable, old and eternal).
To know the real Dharma one should humbly go to the saintly people and ask about the truth instead of speculating our own mind and reading from bogus sources. The best way to know our Dharma is to read Bhagwad Gita.
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Hare Krishna!
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