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Showing posts from April, 2022

Happy Earth Day 2022

We wish you a very happy annual earth day 2022. First of all let us understand who is Mother Earth and what is her relation with us and what can we do to make her feel better? Mother earth is none other than a very dear consort of Lord Vishnu and when great demon took mother earth in to the lower planet, to save mother earth Lord Vishnu took into the form of a Boar (pig) and take mother earth back to her original position by killing great asura Hirnyakashya. Mother earth actually gives us everything, eatables, drinkable, forest, hills, rivers, seas and many more she bear all these and never complain regarding any heaviness to Lord.  But when people become selfish and arrogant and due to false ego they start doing sinful acts she started feeling heavy and due to that she goes to Lord to get rid of this heaviness. In modern age we are taking everything from mother earth not in a proper form but in perverted form i.e. cutting trees, digging earth into deep, building sky scrapper build...

What is real Dharma?

I am Hindu, you are Muslim, He is Sikha and they are Christian these are not at all Dharma but categorized by us to make our own community strong. Most of the people fight for only because you are not following my Dharma and not belongs to my community. Dharma means our unchangeable quality which can never be changed in any circumstances. Like a sugar has sweet quality and chilly has spicy, sugar can never be spicy and chilly can never be sweet. Same way we are not the body but eternal soul (part and parcel of Krishna as per B.G 15.7) and our real Dharma is to serve Lord. ममैवांशो जीवलोके जीवभूत: सनातन: । मन:षष्ठानीन्द्रियाणि प्रकृतिस्थानि कर्षति ॥ 15.7 ॥ The living entities in this conditioned world are My eternal fragmental parts. Due to conditioned life, they are struggling very hard with the six senses, which include the mind. Until and unless we don't serve Lord we can never be happy. Like in a body there is stomach and if we feed food into it we will be healthy and happy but ...

Life is not just a simple problem to be solved

Different-different people have different-different problems in this world but every individual needs a quick fix solutions for their problems. Our problem is not just to search for quick fix solutions but we forgot that each individual has their own life problems and there might be probability to solve it in different-different way. But in this age people looks for shortcut to solve their problems without even thinking of does my problem is same or different from others as per time and circumstances. There are so many things varies while we try to solve our problems by taking example of others, even person is different, situation may be different etc. In this case what needs to be done? So first of all let's understand life is not just simply a problem to solved it is also a reality to be experienced. One may not always try to look for each solutions of life problem, some problem get solution by experiencing it in our life. We can try to solve our life problem by two ways: 1. By u...

What is so beautiful in Sunderkand?

There are 7 parts of Ramayana but we often seen people more attracted towards Sunderkanda, why it is so? What is there so beautiful in it?  Although Ramayana has all parts glories about Lord Rama and His devotees but when it comes to Sunderkand it becomes more attractive due to following reasons; 1. Due to Hanuman Ji presence: Lord Rama noticed only one person can help to search mother Sita is Hanuman and there is no doubt in it. Hanuman has several qualities which we can not explain but along with all qualities he has humility which makes Hanuman ji a great devotee of Lord Rama. Although Hanuman is in the form of monkey but still he has very attractive form and everyone likes him, children, men, women, old, young. 2. Due to mother Sita: When Hanuman saw Lord Rama is lamenting in separation of mother Sita, he thought how can Lord Rama cry for a lady as He is a very attractive and any queen can marry with him then why only mother Sita. But when Hanuman saw mother Sita in Lanka, he...

Differences in opinion should not lead to destruction in relationship

Different-different people have different-different opinion it is not necessary that if two people belongs to same community or same family can have same opinion. One should welcome the opinion of each others and there should not be any destruction in relations due to differences in opinion. From Ramayana, we can learn how to deal with if there are differences in opinion comes in our life. When Vibhishana come to join Lord Rama, Lord Rama asked opinion from Sugriva the king of Kiskindha and Hanuman who is devoted to Him, what needs to be done, should we accept Vibhishana or not? Sugriva advised, My dear Lord as you already know Vibhishana is younger brother of demon king Ravana and he must has come here to know the strength of our army, we should catch and punish him. Lord Rama smiled and told Sugriva, My dear Sugriva if Vibhishana has come to know our strength, let him know all our strength. There are no demons in the entire universe can protect themselves from Laxman, he is capab...

Every Pleasure has a seed of Suffering

The moment we think of pleasure in our mind we invite so many troubles in our life knowingly, because pleasure do not come alone but it comes along with its partner suffering. Believe it or not we suffer more than we try to enjoy in our life. I share with you one story, how we get suffering rather than enjoy.  There was a poor lady she used to work in a house of a rich man. It was her daily routine to work and come back to home and she was doing her duty very honestly since very long time. One day when she was cleaning bed of her master suddenly her hand felt very much soft feeling and she thought how the person would be sleeping on this bed peacefully, because she was sleeping on floor and she never had experience of sleeping on soft cushion bed. But she immediately moved her hand from bed out of fear. One day when her master was not there at home, she got chance to sit on that bed and when she sits on it she felt let's have little rest and she fall sleep. After few hours when her...

How to live a happy & peaceful life?

If I ask you, are you happy from your life? You reply might be, Yes, I could be If I get so and so things then my life will be absolutely peaceful and happy.  But the moment you get that things, you started looking for other things you see still there are something missing in my life to make me happy. That is called illusion, it will always keep you unsatisfied and ask you to get these things to become happy and you start running behind it. A poor person want just bread and butter to become happy, a middle class person want a home and good job to become happy in his life and a rich person want to be more rich to become happy. But if we observe from all threes life they won't be happy even if they get what they wanted. So what is the reason behind it? and why if try to be happy we become more miserable?  To know this we must know some principle from our Scriptures: 1. Whatever we have we must say thanks to God, "O Krishna! even I am not enough qualified for all these but still ...

God never feel happy to punish us

Some people may say why do bad things happen only with me and why God allow it to happen? Does he feel happy seeing us in trouble? but in reality God never feel happy to see us in miserable position, even He try to help us to come out of it by getting the knowledge of Scripture, associating with Sadhu and rendering service to Him. Even in this material world no parent feel happy to see their children in trouble and Krishna is our supreme father, how can He feel happy seeing is in trouble. People say why its me? But actually it is our own fault and ego we commit mistakes in our life and in return Krishna has to punish us to make us a nice person, no parent want their child to be a naughty and bad but if they see their child do something wrong they punish them to understand them not to commit the mistake again. Here is the proof as we all know about Duryodhana how cruel he wa and how he tried to kill Pandavs with the help of Karna, Dushashna and others. And finally with the help of Lord ...

Nature of this material world

There are specific nature of particular things like an Ice has its cool nature, fire has its heat nature same way nature of the material world is defined by Lord Krishna in Bhagwad Gita 8.15 as; मामुपेत्य पुनर्जन्म दु:खालयमशाश्वतम् । नाप्‍नुवन्ति महात्मान: संसिद्धिं परमां गता: ॥ 8.15 ॥ After attaining Me, the great souls, who are yogīs in devotion, never return to this temporary world, which is full of miseries, because they have attained the highest perfection. Some people may not accept this truth but truth is always truth whether we accept it or deny it. The person knows the things better who has created the things instead of users who use it same way this world is created by Krishna so He knows its better than us. We can see by our own experience whatever we try in our life to be happy but all our attempts fail and instead of being happy we become more miserable. But wise people never complaint about it but accept it and use it in the service of Lord Krishna and move to eternal abo...

How Devotion save us from this life as well as in next life?

As stated in Srimad Bhagwad Gita chapter 2.40 by Lord Krishna to Arjuna the importance of little devotion, how can it save us from a great danger.  नेहाभिक्रमनाशोऽस्ति प्रत्यवायो न विद्यते । स्वल्पमप्यस्य धर्मस्य त्रायते महतो भयात् ॥ 2.40 ॥ In this endeavor there is no loss or diminution, and a little advancement on this path can protect one from the most dangerous type of fear. We are not even aware of how powerful this is devotion towards Lord Krishna although if we do it nicely or not but it gives us the result as much as we do. But in material activities until and unless we do not reach at the end of the task we would not get the result out of it. That is why in devotion we can live a happy & peaceful life in present as well in next life too. How it save us in this life? We see there are so many faults in this age of Kali everywhere there are fights, quarrel, anxiety, tension, greed, lust and so many bad things are there and how can one live peacefully in this surroundings?...