Wish you all a very happy Gita Jayanti. It is the most auspicious day today, on the same day 5000 years ago Lord Krishna taught knowledge of Bhagwad Gita to His dear friend Arjuna on the battle field known as Kurukshetra.
In the history there is no evidence we found where there is a peace & happiness talk during the war except Mahabharta and it was the biggest world war where more than 64 crore soldiers died.
Bhagwad Gita contains 18 chapters and 700 verses but there are only few verses which talk about wars rest only talk about how to be stay calm all the time in our ups and downs of life? How to control our mind when it get disturb? How to live a peaceful and happy life? what is the ultimate goal of our life? What is the best Yoga? How can one attain satisfaction in his life?
These are the topics where Arjuna asked to Lord Krishna and Lord Krishna gives answers of each and every questions to Arjuna.
Bhagwad Gita is for everyone, it is not just for any particular religion or caste as Lord Krishna stated in Chapter 15.7;
ममैवांशो जीवलोके जीवभूत: सनातन: ।
मन:षष्ठानीन्द्रियाणि प्रकृतिस्थानि कर्षति ॥ 15.7 ॥
The living entities in this conditioned world are My eternal fragmental parts. Due to conditioned life, they are struggling very hard with the six senses, which include the mind.
A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Srila Prabhupa went to USA in 1965 and when he started teachings of Bhagwad Gita people started accpeting it, and now we can see From China to Russia, from New York to London, From UAE to Nairobi all across the world you will find more than 50 millions copy of Bhagwad Gita as it is.
Why people are accepting Bhagwad Gita in their life because they understand the value of it.
Happiness derived from contact of the senses & their objects is always a cause of distress & should be avoided by all means.
To live a tension free life one must not only read Bhagwad Gita but also give it to their near and dear one.
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