We are happy to announce like every year on the auspicious occasion of Shri Gita Jayanti this year we are also organizing an online Bhagwad Gita contest. Many of us are not even know the importance of Bhagwad Gita in our life, how valuable it is? We must need to know the importance of Bhagwad Gita and encourage others to know it. From tomorrow we are starting Gita Marathon (distribution of Bhagwad Gita) everywhere, shopping Malls, theaters, schools, colleges, stations, shops, on street and many more. Importance of studying Bhagvad Gita. 1- to understand our real position 2- to understand who is God 3- to know our karma 4- to remove our sinful reactions 5- to remain unaffected in all circumstances 6- to know the importance of time and utilize to the fullest in service of Lord 7- to know the importance of human birth. 8- to know that our supreme father is Lord krsna. 9- to know solutions for all problems. 10- Helps to destroy sins 11- Helps to grow in devo...
This blog is to help students to learn morality in thier life from the examples of our Vedic scriptures. This blog is dedicated in the service of saviour of the whole world from the illusion, His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanata Swami Srila Prabhupada. If one student take this seriously and try to apply in his life surely he can attain the great success in his life through Vedic wisdom.