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Showing posts from October, 2021

What is your perspective on life?

There is a great saying, "Your perspective on life comes from the cage you were held captive in." Our perspective on life is based on our previous incident, it may be good or bad or both. If a person has good things in his past he lives his life accordingly and if something went wrong he always keep a positive hope, everything will be alright. Same way if a person has bad experience in his past he always keep himself in fear and worried about his future, nothing is going to be right in my life.  Basically both the experience comes from our pattern which we have already experienced in our past and set in our mind, and it never allow us to go beyond it. There is a very practical example from which we can learn from how this thing works. When a baby elephant born it is tied with a thin rope and when he try to jump he fell down and gradually when it grows he has the same feeling in his mind, If I jump I will fall down and this way he easily bound by thin rope. If we see the eleph...

Diwali Special Contest 2021

Festive season is on and we have so many festivals in this month of Kartika and we celebrate Diwali in a very special way. This time we have make it more special with special contest & exciting prizes . Let's have fun with spiritual activities on this Diwali & make it more special & memorable with exciting prizes. we request to parent to please encourage their child to participate in this unique and beautiful online contest. Last date of registration is 01 Nov 2021 Age Group - All Registration Link: Quiz Link: (link will be open on 2nd Nov 2021 and Close on 3rd Nov 2021 @10 p.m) For any further queries and information please contact or whatsapp on +91 98922 17508. We wish you a very happy & special Diwali. May Lord Ramchandra bless you happiness, peace and j...

How do we know what is better for me?

While Mahabharta war was about to start, Arjuna asked Lord Krishna to keep his chariot in middle of both the warriors, he wanted to see whom I am going to fight with. But logically if we think of when the war is already declared then there is no question of seeing the opposite parties but here we can see one weakness of Arjuna and that is Indecision . Arjuna was little confused should I fight or not, so now he is bewildered  and undecided he turned towards Krishna and expressed the feelings of his heart, “Oh Krishna!, I do not know what is better for me, I should fight with them or I should give up fighting and leave this battle field immediately. Sometimes we also think, should I do this or should I not? and like Arjuna we are also in dilemma and in confusion most of the times we take wrong decision. So in this situation we must hear what Krishna suggest to Arjuna. Although Arjuna give so many logic's not to fight with Kaurvas but all his logic was based on his own mind and body l...

Now Amir Khan will teach us what to do and what not to do?

There is a recent advertisement of Aamir Khan so called Mr. Perfectonlist requesting to people, Road is for drive and not for firing crackers (Road Gaadi chalne ke liye hai Patakhe jalne ke liye nhi)on coming auspicious occasion of Diwali. First of all I would like to thanks Mr. Khan for such a great advice to prevent noise and air  pollution and caring of mother earth. But the same time I also want to ask Mr. Khan, is there only Diwali crackers are fires on the road and there is no other activities happening?  please make sure  if you are going to make such kind of ads on the name of caring society as well as planet. I am sure if you go and check, there are so many activities happening on the road and there are lot of traffic jams due to that, and if we talk about noise pollution you know better if you really aware of the current situation. And this is not the once in a while activities but it is happening on regular basis, but I am very much surprised to know, you have ...

Kartika - The Holiest Month to please Krishna very easily

Kartika, also known as the month of Damodara, is a month to please Krishna in a very simple way. It is considered by devotees of Krishna to be the holiest month of the year. This year it is starting from 20th Oct 2021 to 19th Nov 2021. In this month, devotees perform extra spiritual activities, and generally worship Krishna in His form as Damodara, who was once bound at the waist by His mother, Yashoda, as a punishment for His mischievous childhood pastimes. It is mentioned in many Vedic Scriptures like Shri Hari Bhakti Vilasa, if a person offers ghee lamp to Lord Damodara in the month of Kartika will go to abode of Goloka, where there is not return in this material world. If one hear pastimes of Lord Damodara & Nalkuvera and Madigriva where Nalkuvera and Madigriva was in the form of trees due to curse of great sage Narada and Lord Damodara bring back them in their original form. If someone wants to get love of Krishna then this is the best month to please Lord Krishna.There are fe...

Lessons from Lord Rama’s Victory

Wish you all a very happy Dusehra!  Today on this holy occasion of Lord Rama's victory we will try to learn lessons out of it. As we know Ramayana teaches us Leadership Sutra, Relationship management and many more things.  Come lets see the things which make Lord Rama victorious: 1. Lead a life based on Vedic principle: We must live our life based on our Vedic Scriptures. As we know Lord Rama always followed Vedic Principles in their life by accepting His father obey and also fight for mother Sita to return back from Ravana. It shows that how Lord Rama played a role of an Maryada Purushottam, who always carried vedic principles in His heart. If we want to be victorious in our life then must accept vedic principles by reading our Scriptures i.e. Bhagwad Gita, Ramayana, Srimad Bhagwatam.  2. Compassion towards everyone: Lord Rama always shows His compassion towards a tiny squirrel, vulture king Jatayu and many more. It proves that if shows our compassion towards others, sur...

Don't keep yourself in denial situation

Many of the times we deny and do not accept what we are, and that is the major problem in today's world with every individual. Many so called successful people live in a denial situation and they do not accept what exactly they are, result they live a lonely life & disconnect themselves from the world.They try to create their own world where people accept them what they expect from them. But it won't work for a long run. We must know who we are from inside and for that we should have to start practicing Bhakti Yoga (the best yoga for modern age). Bhakti yoga keeps a person awaking and reveal the truth what actually he is, and then he accept and live in real life & do not live in denial situation. Many of the people due to false ego do not accept the reality, they try to deny the situation and people and sometimes they do what even we could not accept from the ordinary people. Denial comes from when we forgot out real identity and live in illusion and then our identity c...

My Name is Khan and I am not a druggist

Bollywood and media is now become the powerful inspirational platform for youth, but the truth behind the Bollywood and media comes out on time to time to remind us they are not the right platform to take inspiration. There is nothing surprising if drugs news comes out from Bollywood industries, it is quite natural for them & it is very common in their life style. Actually they want to stay high forever and that is good but they are taking wrong medicines. Actually in Srimad Bhagwad Gita 2.59 it is said, if one get higher taste he automatically get out of lower one. And the higher taste is to engage our-self in devotional activities that way we automatically get out of bad activities.  विषया विनिवर्तन्ते निराहारस्य देहिन: | रसवर्जं रसोऽप्यस्य परं दृष्ट्वा निवर्तते || 2.59||     Though the embodied soul may be restricted from sense enjoyment, the taste for sense objects remains. But, ceasing such engagements by experiencing a higher taste, he is fixed in cons...