Our scripture teaches us whatever we do and get success out of it there are so many person & things directly or indirectly involved into that activities, but sometimes we feel that achievement is just because of my hard work.
There are majorly two types of people in this world, one who takes credit of his own work and thinks I am the one who achieved it and other become grateful to everyone and humble for his victory.
If we see, both get success but there is a major difference into it, one's success makes him arrogant, egoistic and full of false ego and others get blessings, love and motivation from everyone.
If we get success and thanks to everyone then we become grateful and if we get success and become arrogant and with false ego we become a great fool.
What you want to be, a grateful heart person or a Great fool person?
His Holiness Radhanath Swami Maharaj quotes, "Be whoever you want to be, but don't be motivated by greed, egoism, lust, envy, anger and pride; rather, be motivated by your own inherent nature, as an instrument of God's compassion."
When Hanuman Ji burnt whole Lanka and destroyed the city, when Lord Rama asked to Hanuman Ji, "My dear Hanuman, how did you manage to destroy the powerful Lanka?
Hanuman Ji smiled and replied to Lord Rama," My dear Lord it was your mercy nothing I have done."
सो सब तव प्रताप रघुराई। नाथ न कछू मोरि प्रभुताई॥
So, if we become grateful surely our journey of life will be very easy and if we become ungrateful then we are a great fool and our journey of life will be very much painful.
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Hare Krishna!
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