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125th Appearance Day Celebrations of Srila Prabhupada

A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada - a representative and messenger of Lord Shri Krishna Chaitanya Mahaprabhu who appeared in this world to save us from the illusion and taught devotion to the whole world in very practical way.

From Life of Srila Prabhupada we can learn, he was literally following the "Simple Living and High Thinking" philosophy in his life. He taught to the whole world by his action, how can we stay in this world peaceful and go back home back to Godhead.

He went to US at the age of 69 to fulfill desire of his spiritual master and spread Love of Krishna to the whole world, because he saw whole world is suffering from tension, anxiety, frustration, lust, anger and greed and people are trying to be happy but they don't know the real formula of the peace.

He struggled too much to reach US and while spreading Krishna Consciousness he sacrifices his health also , he used to sleep only 2 hours in the night and whole night he used to sit and translate the transcendental books. 

He translated most popular Vedic Scriptures Srimad Bhagwatam (which is not different from Krishna) and Bhagwad Gita (King of all knowledge).

He established more than 100 temples and wrote more than dozen books to maintain peace and harmony in the people, because in Srimad Bhagwatam it is already mentioned in the age of Kaliyuga people will be quarrel, disturbed and unfortunate but who take shelter of Lord Krishna can stay in this world peacefully. 

Here are the brief journey of Srila Prabhupada;

1896 - Srila Prabhupada was born

1922 - met his spiritual master

1932 - received initiation

1939 - bestowed the title "Bhaktivedanta"

1944 - started "Back to Godhead" magazine

1953 - started League of devotees in Jhansi

1956 - moved to Vrindavan

1959 - received Sanyasa Initiation

1960- published first book "Easy Journey to other planets"

1965- started for America on Jaladuta

1966- incorporated ISKCON

1967- took his first flight to San Francisco

1967- inspired first Ratha Yatra in SFO

1968- Macmillan publishers his Bhagavad-Gita commentary

1969- established first Radha Krishna temple in Los Angeles

1969- established Radha Londonishvara temple in London

1970- established BBT

1971- established first ISKCON temple in India at Kolkata

1972- conducted ground breaking ceremony for magnificent temple in Mayapur

1974- published Chaitanya Charitamrita in 17 volumes

1975- conducted grand opening of temple in Vrindavan

1977- departed from this world

Although Srila Prabupda has already departed from this world but he is always with us in the form of his teachings and books.

Hare Krishna! Jai Srila Prabhupda!


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