As we know from our Vedic Scriptures there are 8.4 million species and humans are the top on all. But the same way, it is also mentioned in Srimad Bhagwatam if in human form live which is very precious in all and live like animals only do for kind of activities i.e. eating, sleeping, mating and defending then where we are intelligent than other living entities?
In Srimad Bhagwatam 2.3.18, it is mentioned:
तरव: किं न जीवन्ति भस्त्रा: किं न श्वसन्त्युत ।
न खादन्ति न मेहन्ति किं ग्रामे पशवोऽपरे ॥ 2.3.18 ॥
Do the trees not live? Do the bellows of the blacksmith not breathe? All around us, do the beasts not eat and discharge semen?
Modern Civilizations are think of only four things (Eating, Sleeping, Mating & Defending), they have no information of next life. They only think, this is the only life, enjoy how much we can enjoy.
From morning to night, people only think of their enjoyment, what best can I eat? How comfortable can I sleep? How best can I met with my partner? and How best can I protect myself from dangers?
But doing all above at our best, we should ask from ourself are we satisfied? And majority the answer will be, NO.
As per Srimad Bhagwatam, all these qualities are based on our bodily platform and there are one more important factor which is called soul in our body.
But most of us are not aware of that because we are only taught about body not about our soul.
If we want to utilize our human form of life then we must esquire about the soul. And that inquiry will give us chance to liberate our-self from this bodily concept.
Hare Krishna!
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