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Bollywood and Godless civilization

A godless civilization cannot cleanse the mind because it has no idea of God, and for this simple reason people under such a civilization cannot have good qualifications, however they may be materially equipped. 

Bollywood is the one,  where people are so poor as they have all type of richness but they don't know how a human civilization should live in this world.

The principles of religion do not stand on some dogmas or man-made formulas, but they stand on four primary regulative observances, namely austerity (no intoxication), cleanliness (no illicit sex), mercy (no animal killing) and truthfulness (no gambling).

People must be taught to practice these principles from childhood. But today we see our schools, college and other institution are not worried about these basic things.

Even some of the organization invites famous actors/actress in their organization, what they can give lesson to our young generation if they themselves not following it.

Majority of young generation are involved into meat eating, illicit sex, gambling and intoxication. Just because of they see their role model are doing it without any objection of people and they seems it is a new trend, we must follow it.

But remember, these things only can be for few days, months or years later it has no value in your life, rather we destroy your valuable life.

I know one of the guy who was physically well build and smart but due to impact of Bollywood and fashion he got into bad habit and started taking alcohols and involved in illicit sex and now he has a very dangerous disease which can only give death to him.

By pride, either artificial or real, the resultant action of austerity is spoiled; by too much affection for female association, cleanliness is spoiled; by too much addiction to intoxication, mercy is spoiled; and by too much lying propaganda, truthfulness is spoiled. The revival of bhāgavata-dharma can save human civilization from falling prey to evils of all description.

Life is your, choice is yours whether you want to live a Godfull civilization or Godless civilization.

Please feel free to share your feedback/comments.


  1. Very truthful and helpful article for happy human civilization

    1. Thank you Arvind ji, people should aware of the reality of these people and try to know the real civilization.


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