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Wish you all a very happy Ganesha Chaturthi

God, Devotee and Devotion these three things are eternal. It can never change but as per time and circumstances service method can be different.

The main factor is our devotion, other things does not matter so much. For example, the way of worship in Foreign Country than India is completely different but that does not mean we should underestimate their devotion.

But what is happening in India now is completely against the Vedic worship and devotion.

In the name of Ganesha Festival people are getting drunken, playing loud vulgar music, gamble.

People are putting big photos of their own and keeping Lord Ganesha in a corner. Even we see most of the people are designing altar in which Lord Ganesha keeps peacock feather on his head, keeping bat in his hand, making pose of Lord Shiva (his own father).

But in the scriptures,  Lord Ganesha has big stomach, rope in his hand, keeping smile face, wore red cloth and rat is his vehicle.

And we know him an obstacle removal which benediction He received from Lord Narsmiha Deva (the supreme obstacle removal).

He helped to compose Vedic scriptures from Vyasdeva (Incarnation of Lord Krishna), but do we read any scriptures even Bhagwad Gita (which is part of Mahabharata) composed by Lord Ganesha himself?

So, let's understand the concept behind worshiping Lord Ganesha and don't be just Rituals add spirit into it and be Spiritual.

Let's pray to Lord Ganesha to remove all our false ego, anxiety, lust, anger and greed and give devotion towards Lord Krishna.

Wish you all a very happy Ganesha Chaturthi.


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