Our brain works on Conscious, Sub-conscious and Un-Concscious mind. Sub-conscious mind functions storing data from our experience we are going through.
That is why it is very important to understand what we are watching, reading, listening and feeling? These all activities makes our Sub-conscious mind and feed data accordingly.
Brain washing or two types of, one is positive and other is negative. When we consciousely accept the things it is called positive but if we accept the things Un-Concsciousely is called negative brain washing.
Majority of people are getting brain washed negatively by the people who have their motto to make people foolish.
Our media, brands, Politicians, actors are directly-indirectly brain washing people in negative way.
In old days there was one popular washing powder brand Nirma which impact on people so much and fixed in their Sub-conscious mind result still when they go to shop they ask for Nirma only instead of asking for washing powder.
Be alert and be conscious, don't get brain washed by negative people, if you want to wash your brain go and get the people who can properly wash your brain and feed good data inside it.
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