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Stop Watching Breaking News

In this panic situation people are sending more and more videos, messages even that is not all correct and most of it is fake but due to rumors people are more worried. In breaking news it shows repeated news for whole day and called it breaking news, the meaning of breaking news is once in a day and not to create fear in the people by showing same news again and again this way people become more panic.

And in this way more of the people get phobia of it and become sick only by hearing the news. I share you one story where we see rumors make more fear in the people than actual news.

Once upon a time one sage met one dangerous disease and asked, "This time how many people you are going to kill?" That disease smiled and told not more than 100 and he left. After some times while disease was returning back sage asked to disease, "You are a big liar, you told me I will kill only 100 people but instead you killed 500 people?"

Disease smiled and told, "My dear sage, I am not liar I only killed 100 and rest 500 died due to fear and I never killed them."

So we can understand the impact of media and news around us, it creates situation more panic. Better keep yourself safe, stay at home take necessary precautions and finally don't see breaking news, Anyway you can not stop what is going to happen.

And in Bhagwad Gita Lord Krishna has already stated, whatever you think your consciousnesses will be like that so better think positive and pastimes of Lord and hear Krishna Katha instead of gossiping unnecessary thing.

Shift your focus from sensational information to transforming information. Thinking of Corona all the times is not going to help us any more so better take advantage of time hear Krishna Katha, read Srimad Bhagwatam and transform your heart because everything is under control of Krishna.

Nothing is going to stay permanent even Corona also it has to go after sometime, so be calm pray to God and don't spread rumors.


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