We always want to know the reason behind everything because we look everything in very scientific way but our Vedic Scriptures are very advanced and it gives us valid reason to do anything.
Here we are going to see, why we should give respect to others by looking all aspects.
Living Entities: As Krishna stated in B.G 15.7, all living entities are part and parcel of mine;
ममैवांशो जीवलोके जीवभूत: सनातन: ।
मन:षष्ठानीन्द्रियाणि प्रकृतिस्थानि कर्षति ॥ ७ ॥
The living entities in this conditioned world are My eternal frag-mental parts. Due to conditioned life, they are struggling very hard with the six senses, which include the mind.
Human Life: As human form of life is very precious so we should respect them; Among all the species of life we souls may inhabit, human life is the best because it affords us the higher intelligence with which to make spiritual progress. In plant or animal bodies, our consciousness is too undeveloped.
Good Quality: If someone has good quality then we must respect them; In battlefield of Mahabharata when Karna and Arjuna were fighting, Krishna always praising to Karna how bravery he was fighting. Here we can see although Karna was from Kaurava side but he was having good quality so Krishna appreciated him
Caste Value: By the caste as Krishna has gifted him, we must respect them; Krishna is supreme personality Godhead but He himself respected all Brahmans.
Lord Rama respected Guha (Nishad Raj) and Sabri. So we can understand by caste also we should respect everyone as it is Krishna’s will and wish for them.
Position Value: If someone is superior than you, you must respect them; When Sanatan Gowswami was at his home at preaching to his disciples Srimad Bhagwatam, King Nawab Hussain Shah came He respected him by standing from his place. As Sanatan Gowswami could refused to do so as He was Scholar and chief but He respected because Nawab Hussain was holding a position of King.
Ashram Value: If someone is living a renunciation life, we must respect them whatever communities they belongs. Once Prabhupada was going along with His disciples and from opposite side there were Mayawadi sanyasis coming they respected Prabhupada and Prabhupada reciprocated the same, but disciples did not. Prabhupada asked,” why you did not do so”. They replied Prabhuapda, they are Mayawadis. Prabhupada told so what, they are In top most ashram (in Sanyasa). So we must respect all four ashrams as, Brahmchari, Grihastha, VAnprastha and Sanyasis.
Elderly Respect: We must respect if someone is elder than us. Lord Rama shows by his discipline how He respected His father words & went to forest for 14 years although it was demanded by Kaikeyi but He respected by his elderly position.
Knowledge Value: If someone has more knowledge than us, we must respect them. In Srimad Bhagwatam it is stated that Markandeya Rishi respected Parashar muni (as he was only 7 years) but due to his knowledge, Markandeya Rishi respected him, He did not think about his age and qualification.
Devotional Value: If someone is more advanced in Krishna Consciousness, we must respect them. In Chaitynya Charitamrita when Sarbhaum Bhattacharya understood the devotional level of Lord Chaitynaya Mahaprabhu, he fall down at His lotus feet although He was Vedanti Scholar.
So if we see any of the above qualities in others we must respect them.
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Here we are going to see, why we should give respect to others by looking all aspects.
Living Entities: As Krishna stated in B.G 15.7, all living entities are part and parcel of mine;
ममैवांशो जीवलोके जीवभूत: सनातन: ।
मन:षष्ठानीन्द्रियाणि प्रकृतिस्थानि कर्षति ॥ ७ ॥
The living entities in this conditioned world are My eternal frag-mental parts. Due to conditioned life, they are struggling very hard with the six senses, which include the mind.
Human Life: As human form of life is very precious so we should respect them; Among all the species of life we souls may inhabit, human life is the best because it affords us the higher intelligence with which to make spiritual progress. In plant or animal bodies, our consciousness is too undeveloped.
Good Quality: If someone has good quality then we must respect them; In battlefield of Mahabharata when Karna and Arjuna were fighting, Krishna always praising to Karna how bravery he was fighting. Here we can see although Karna was from Kaurava side but he was having good quality so Krishna appreciated him
Caste Value: By the caste as Krishna has gifted him, we must respect them; Krishna is supreme personality Godhead but He himself respected all Brahmans.
Lord Rama respected Guha (Nishad Raj) and Sabri. So we can understand by caste also we should respect everyone as it is Krishna’s will and wish for them.
Position Value: If someone is superior than you, you must respect them; When Sanatan Gowswami was at his home at preaching to his disciples Srimad Bhagwatam, King Nawab Hussain Shah came He respected him by standing from his place. As Sanatan Gowswami could refused to do so as He was Scholar and chief but He respected because Nawab Hussain was holding a position of King.
Ashram Value: If someone is living a renunciation life, we must respect them whatever communities they belongs. Once Prabhupada was going along with His disciples and from opposite side there were Mayawadi sanyasis coming they respected Prabhupada and Prabhupada reciprocated the same, but disciples did not. Prabhupada asked,” why you did not do so”. They replied Prabhuapda, they are Mayawadis. Prabhupada told so what, they are In top most ashram (in Sanyasa). So we must respect all four ashrams as, Brahmchari, Grihastha, VAnprastha and Sanyasis.
Elderly Respect: We must respect if someone is elder than us. Lord Rama shows by his discipline how He respected His father words & went to forest for 14 years although it was demanded by Kaikeyi but He respected by his elderly position.
Knowledge Value: If someone has more knowledge than us, we must respect them. In Srimad Bhagwatam it is stated that Markandeya Rishi respected Parashar muni (as he was only 7 years) but due to his knowledge, Markandeya Rishi respected him, He did not think about his age and qualification.
Devotional Value: If someone is more advanced in Krishna Consciousness, we must respect them. In Chaitynya Charitamrita when Sarbhaum Bhattacharya understood the devotional level of Lord Chaitynaya Mahaprabhu, he fall down at His lotus feet although He was Vedanti Scholar.
So if we see any of the above qualities in others we must respect them.
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