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Winning the battle but losing the war

Sometimes we become so envious of others that we cannot see others to move forward and think if I cannot go ahead how can that person go in front of me. It seems in our relations, work culture and society we never want someone to grow and encourage them for their growth and achievement instead we feel jealous and started burning in the fire of it day and night.

I am sharing you one of the story about King Prithu and Indra. King Prithu was a very pious king in his time and he was doing his 100 Ashwamedha Yagna (Horse Sacrifice) and he reached till his 99th Yagna.

When he started his 100th Yagna, Indra the King of the Demigods could not tolerate King Prithu's Yagna and he came in the form of a Brahmin and stole the horse and flew away, this way when King Prithu start his 100th Yagna all the time Indra come and stole his horse.

One day the son of King Prithu ran behind that person and saw, he is not a Brahmin but Indra, they returned to their father and told about Indra's act. King Prithu got angry and said to his son, let Indra, not go if he come again and steal horse.

But all demigods with Brahma came to King Prithu and told, stop your Yagna as Lord Vasudeva is already pleased with you, but if you do your 100th Yagna you will get the position of Indra and Indra can not tolerate this that is why he is doing all these.

King Prithu agreed and stoped his Yagna but still we remember him for his compassion upon Indra.

We all face the same situation in our life like King Prithu but instead of being competitive with other if we show our compassion to others in the eyes of the Lord, we will we the winner although we are a loser in the eyes of others.

Indra saved his position and power by his tricks, but King Prithu become more powerful and famous. So we can see here Indra won the battle but lose the war as King Prithu just gave him his position and power in the gift, if He wanted He could snatch it from Indra very easily by completing His 100th Yagna but he did not do so although He completed his 99th Yagna.

In our life if we do not keep envy in our mind and help people to grow, we become more happy.

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