Long-long ago there was a great demon king known as Hirnya
Kashyapu. He was so powerful and cruel to good people. But fortunately he had a
good son Prahlad, he loved his son very much, When Prahlad grown up, he send him
school to learn politics, democracy and diplomacy from his teachers Shand and
Amarak (sons of Great Demon Guru
But Prahald was opposite of it and he was more into humility and believe in every living entities are part and parcel of Krishna so we should be equal
to all.
After break time of his school, he used to teach his friends not to be
envious from any one. Because, we all should be kind with each other this way we
can form a Godfull society and then God also love to all of us.
After few days Hirnyakashyapu called his son and asked him, “My
dear son, what all things you learn from your teacher.” Prahlad replied, “My
dear father we all are son of Krishna so we should behave equal and not to be
envious with anyone, nobody is our enemies everyone is our friends.”
On listening this Hirnyakashyapu got angry and shouted on Prahlad,
“We are demons we must be envious from Demigods and Vishnu, go and learn again.
And finally when prahlad refused to learn this, He tried to kill
Prahlad but to more affection with Lord Vishnu and his pure devotional service.
Lord Vishnu took incarnation of Half man and half lion to kill
So moral of the story is, we should never be envious from anyone
otherwise we only harm our self.
योनिषु ॥ १९ ॥
Those who are envious
and mischievous, who are the lowest among men, I perpetually cast into the
ocean of material existence, into various demoniac species of life.
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