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Winners of Online Bhagawad Gita Contest 2023

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Four major attitude towards our daily duty

Every duty what we prescribed to execute in this material world is influenced by three modes of material nature. But as mentioned in Srimad Bhagwad Gita one has to prescribed his duty to maintain his living hoods without any hesitation. As we know this material world completely work under three modes of material nature and under control of Lord Krishna's external energy (Maya). One has to work as per his psycho physical nature, otherwise he will be get only frustration from his duty. While prescribing duty one has to think of mainly four thing, then he will never be frustrate from his daily duty. 1. Responsible: One must be responsible with his duty, then only he can train others and people will follow him as a leader. Responsibility is not a small thing, but one who deal it carefully will always get success in life. 2. Detachment: Bhagwad Gita teaches us how to work without attachment of its fructify results. And who learn this formula in his daily duty will be happy in his life...

Online Vedic Contest 2023

Like every year this year also we are conducting Vedic Quiz for children. In this summer vacation let;s your child be full of Vedic wisdom to know the facts of our ancient Vedic Scriptures and essence of it.   We are happy to announce that we are ready with online quiz and special gifts for winners as well. Let's encourage and share the link through across the child you know and let them apply their mind to solve this meaningful quiz, this will only help your child to know the facts of our ancient history but also make them feel the power of our Vedic Scriptures. Top 3 winners will get special attractive gifts along with certificates. Last day of submitting the quiz will be 17th of May 2023. So hurry up now! Click on participate the Quiz To know more about Vedic Scriptures Ramayana, Mahabharta and Srimad Bhagwatam and many more. Please feel free to put your comment in comment box. Hare Krishna!

Vedic Siksha Online Library

On this auspicious occasion of Sri Sita Navami, we are happy to announce that we are now facilitating with online scripture book reading. There are multiple options to parent, students, elders, they can easily understand the Vedic scriptures by studying online. Facilities provided: 1. Online book reading - here will teach you how to study scriptures and its importance 2. Online Book Order - You can order any of the scriptures based on your choices to read sitting at your home 3. Counseling for whom to read which type of books - We will tel you, what and when to read to read which types of books. 4. Fun for summer vacation children -   We have so many spiritual stories for children which not only motivates them to learn Vedas but also encourage to develop them morality and values 5. Books are the basis - Now a days people are going away from the books and engage themselves in electronic gadgets. We will let them know the reality of the scriptures, how valuable and foundation fo...

Final result of not doing bhakti

Often we all think that doing devotion means wastage of time, it would be better if we make more progress by staying in our material work and achieve a glory in our family and society. But perhaps every person remains unaware of the fact that he does not use even a tenth of the hard work he does and at the end of the day, his own family members, for whom he works tirelessly, start to feel like a burden. Before death the person is sure to be sick or handicapped, and when he is neglected by his family members, his life becomes worse than that of a dog because he is put in such miserable conditions that he has never lived before. Didn't even think about it.  Therefore the Vedic literature orders that before such miserable conditions arise one should leave home and die without the knowledge of one's family members. If a person leaves home and dies without knowing his family, it is considered a glorious death. But a family man wants his family members to carry him in a great process...

You donate, We deliver!

We are now ready to go for Gita Marathon from today we will be going for Railway Station,  Markets, Malls, Schools, Colleges, inside trains and Society.  This is the month we have targeted more than lakhs of Bhagwad Gita all over the world to distribute. You are welcome to donate any number of Bhagwad Gita and any languages, we will deliver it to your friends and relatives this is the precious gift you can give them. In Bhagwad Gita Chapter 9 verse 2 it is mentioned this knowledge is king of all knowledge and one who read surely attain abode of Krishna and live a eternal peaceful life. राजविद्या राजगुह्यं पवित्रमिदमुत्तमम् | प्रत्यक्षावगमं धर्म्यं सुसुखं कर्तुमव्ययम् || 9.2|| Don't miss this opportunity, we are only two days to go. This is the time we can spread our real scriptures to each and every doors.  It is stated in Bhagwad Gita, one who share this eternal and transcendental knowledge to someone he is the favorites of Lord Krishna. Become a devotee of Krishna by ju...

Happy Children Day!

We all are celebrating children day today and children are our future of the nation and representive of the coming generation. Our ISKCON founder Acharya H.D.G Srila Prabhupda was very much concern about children and always request to the parent to take care of their children nicely. On this day, here we are sharing few of the Srila Prabhupda points on children. 1. Children are like blank slate, you can mold them as you like and they are eager to learn. 2. It is the duty of all parent to make their child Krishna Consciuosness so that fortunate child may not have to take birth in this material world again. 3. Parents teach their children using technology at an early age, similarly, Krishna consciousness should also start at an early age. 4. These are not ordinary children, they are Vaikuntha children and we can give them chance to advance further in Krishna consciousness. That is very great responsiblity, do not neglect it or be confused. 5. If you train a child in taking shelter of Kri...