Every duty what we prescribed to execute in this material world is influenced by three modes of material nature. But as mentioned in Srimad Bhagwad Gita one has to prescribed his duty to maintain his living hoods without any hesitation. As we know this material world completely work under three modes of material nature and under control of Lord Krishna's external energy (Maya). One has to work as per his psycho physical nature, otherwise he will be get only frustration from his duty. While prescribing duty one has to think of mainly four thing, then he will never be frustrate from his daily duty. 1. Responsible: One must be responsible with his duty, then only he can train others and people will follow him as a leader. Responsibility is not a small thing, but one who deal it carefully will always get success in life. 2. Detachment: Bhagwad Gita teaches us how to work without attachment of its fructify results. And who learn this formula in his daily duty will be happy in his life...
This blog is to help students to learn morality in thier life from the examples of our Vedic scriptures. This blog is dedicated in the service of saviour of the whole world from the illusion, His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanata Swami Srila Prabhupada. If one student take this seriously and try to apply in his life surely he can attain the great success in his life through Vedic wisdom.